Eczema Vs Psoriasis: Knowing The Similarities

Skin disorders can be bothersome for some people while debilitating for others. Often times one skin condition can mimic another, so it is important to know which type you have and how to treat it. When it comes to eczema vs psoriasis, the symptoms are similar, but each is a totally different ailment.

Occasionally skin cells can grow too quickly, and this is what causes the most common type of psoriasis known as plaque psoriasis. The body contains T-cells, and their job is to defend the body against disease and infection. It is not known how this occurs but at times these T-cells can treat skin cells as if they are an infection, and this results in dead skin cell building up. This will cause itchy red patches that are covered in silver scales. The resulting rash is extremely itchy and can be very painful at times.

Psoriasis has many types. Scalp psoriasis is one type, along with plaque, guttate, and arthritic psoriasis. Guttate happens most often in children and results in tiny bumps covering the body. These bumps most likely will appear on the trunk, legs, and arms and are scaly. Unfortunately this condition is long term and can happen at anytime.

Although it is not known what causes it, psoriasis can be triggered or worsened by certain lifestyle choices. Triggers include a recent infection such as strep throat, cold weather, stress, or certain medications. It is treated with corticosteroids that reduce the swelling and itching. It can also be treated with Vitamin D based ointments that decrease the growth of skin cells.

Atopic dermatitis is also known as eczema. Eczema occurs when the skin becomes itchy and swollen. This can cause red or brownish spots that are covered in a raised rash. When this rash is scratched or irritated it can ooze a fluid and crust over. This is also a chronic condition that can reoccur at anytime. The most common affected areas are the arms and back of the knees.

Both adults and kids can be stricken with this problem. Infantile eczema is common and can continue into childhood. Often times this condition will go into hibernation, only to reoccur later in life. The skin should be properly moisturized to reduce occurrence. Avoid hot water as it can dry out the skin. Also, certain soaps and detergents should not come in contact with the skin as this could trigger eczema.

To relieve the symptoms of either eczema or psoriasis, over the counter products can be used. Moisturizers and cortisone can be tried, but if these fail a doctor should be consulted who can prescribe stronger medications. Antihistamines are given to reduce itchiness. Other medications that can reduce the rate of flare ups are available as well. For infants, since certain medications are not acceptable, moisturizers are necessary. The skin should be free of dryness as to control itching and pain.

Psoriasis vs eczema are two different skin ailments that can mimic each other in symptoms. Each can be treated with medication once it is determined which type of skin disorder you have. Often times these ailments can be debilitating and result in missed social functions and time from work or school. The patches and rashes are an embarrassment for some, but with proper treatment this does not have to interrupt your life. Knowing how to control the symptoms and reduce occurrences can lead to relief and improved lifestyle.

Chris Borg is a practicing pharmacist who writes on all aspects of health care. You can check out Chris's latest website on health care at eczema vs psoriasis, where Chris provides unbiased reviews and health care information for a wide range of health care products. To see the difference between eczema & psoriasis, just visit Eczema Pictures

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