How to Fight Eczema and Rosacea

How to fight Eczema:

Eczema is a dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) that affect 1 in 5 children and 1 in 12 adults in UK and can manifest in different forms. The skin can be dry, scaly, red and itchy; but in some more severe cases can also be weeping, crusting and bleeding. There are different factors involved like certain genes, over reactive immune respond, stress, climate, alteration of the skin barrier.

Food and lifestyle play, in my experience, an important role but on the whole, what should be checked is the general health, namely the gut and liver and then thyroid and immune system: Shift to a healthy diet, cutting out junk food, meat and yeast, reducing most of the dairies and start an herbal detox /cleansing treatment to balance intestine. Supply the body of plenty of fresh organic vegetables and fresh fruits (juices, smoothes), Omega 3-6 essential fatty acids and vitamin E (organic cold pressed veg. oils and nuts) and add super foods, like sprouts, algae (spirulina, chlorella) and bee pollen. Moist the skin with an organic herbal balm, rich in EFA and Vitamin E.

How to fight Rosacea:

Rosacea is a chronic condition on the skin face (cheeks, chin, nose, forehead). It is characterized by redness, pimples, and dilation of superficial vessels called teleagiectasie; sometime small bumps (papules) and postules are characteristic. Women, aged 30-50, are more affected than men.

A real cause has not been understood, but there are different factors that can trigger a flare up: Some hot foods, and drinks; too much alcholol, or caffeine; food including hot spices, and being exposed to too much wind, sun and cold.

From a holistic point of view the symptoms must be addressed considering the whole body, particularly hormonal balance, blood circulation and intestinal disorders. The first step is to cleanse the bowel with specific herbal treatments followed by a treatment of friendly bacteria such as acidophilus. The diet should avoid trigger food and be light and fresh, plenty of fresh vegetables and berries, rich in antioxidant, anthocyanins and vitamin C that support the vessels and the immune system.

Calendula and raspberry tea or tincture will help the hormonal balance together with Evening primrose oil and flax seed oil, rich in GLA (Gamma linolenic acid) and ?-3 essential fatty acid.

On the skin apply light organic astringent and anti-inflammatory balms or floral water such as chamomile, cornflower, rose.

For further information on organic treatment of Eczema and Rosacea, visit the following website: Inlight organic skincare. Inlight specialise in an organic support for eczema treatment.

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