Nummular eczema is a rare type of eczema, which tends to occur mainly in older males. However, anyone can get this type of eczema. Other names for this type of eczema are discoid eczema. The name derives from the coin shaped nature of the lesions.
The rash of nummular eczema tends to be a round or oval, raised and red. It usually occurs on the legs or arms, but can occur any where on the body. It is unlikely to occur on the face and the scalp. The rash first appears as a few vesicles which then join together to form plaques. The rash itches intensely and may become open and infected as a result of scratching. It may then appear to have a yellow crust.
After a few days the rash becomes dry and scaly, they then flatten and may become hyper-pigmented. Sometimes the rash of discoid eczema may clear in the centre and resemble ring worm. The rash of psoriasis may sometimes be confused with that of nummular eczema. The scales of the rash of psoriasis are usually thicker and silver.
The cause of discoid eczema is unknown. However, the rash may appear after insect bites, abrasions or exposure to chemicals. The condition is more common in cold and dry weather and less so in warm and humid conditions.
The main aims of the treatment of nummular eczema are to hydrate the skin, reduce inflammation and treat infection. Persons with this skin rash should bathe in cool water with a non-soap based cleanser, and apply moisturiser to the skin immediately after. Inflammation may be reduced by using topical steroids or tar preparations. Infection may be treated with oral antibiotics. Antihistamines can be used to reduce itching and aid sleep.
The alternative way of approaching this skin condition, is by determining what any possible triggers may be. Once identified, try to work your lifestyle around them in a way that either eliminates them from your environment or greatly reduces your exposure to them.
Care of the skin is of utmost importance to prevent flare ups.
Hydrate, from the inside out by drinking lots of fluids. It may also be helpful to have a humidifier in the room especially during the winter months when the heating is on. Do not bathe more than once a day, and try to use natural moisturisers without perfume. Extra virgin coconut oil is a very effective moisturiser. Wear clothing loose so as not to irritate the skin.
And if you want to know more about nummular eczema you are free to access my free e-course by visiting my blog at I provide useful information on overcoming eczema. My name is Shelley and I have several years experience in helping others with eczema, and have overcome the condition myself.
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