The Diagnosis and Progression of Psoriasis

This chronic (recurring and long lasting) skin condition can be the bane of most sufferers' existence. This is further exacerbated by the fact that still not much is known about what causes it and there is currently no psoriasis cure. There are however various treatments that can provide relief from the psoriasis symptoms which vary from medication, diet, light therapy, home remedies for psoriasis, etc.


It affects about 1 to 3 percent of the world's population making it one of the most common skin conditions. It is less common in Africa and Asia. In the US about 3 to 7 million are affected with the majority suffering mild forms of the condition and being able to successfully control the condition with topical medications, diet changes, home remedies for psoriasis, etc.

Psoriasis affects men and women equally of all ages although the majority begin showing symptoms between the ages of 15 and 35. Approximately 10 to 15% of patients develop the condition before the age of ten.


Simply put, psoriasis results from a multitude of skin cells that develop at the same time which leads to red patches of skin (due to the overactive blood supply) that are covered by silvery scales (plaques).

Unless the form of psoriasis is unusual, dermatologists usually diagnose the condition easily by;

Determining if there is a family history of the conditionDetermining whether there is a pinkish rash in the cleft of the buttocksDetermining whether the nails (fingernails and toenails) show signs of pitting, are yellowish, are lifted off the nail beds or other nail changesDetermining whether there is the presence of sharp margins (borders) on skin patches.

If the doctor is still unsure, a skin biopsy may be performed or x-rays or blood tests


Since not much is understood by the disease, the progression of the condition is very unpredictable and it may affect small areas or large areas of the skin. The psoriasis may come and go especially if set off by triggers such as stress. It can also be more widespread.

The most common type of psoriasis affects the knees, scalp, elbows and the trunk of the body and features red, silvery, scaly, patches of skin which can vary from mild to severe and can be treated with topical creams and medications, prescription medications, home remedies for psoriasis, etc.

Some types of psoriasis that are severe may develop as a result of a bacterial infection such as strep throat which can lead to guttate psoriasis which causes drop-like lesions to develop and can be quite stubborn. Although treating the bacterial infection may work to also clear the lesions, often additional treatment is required.

Very rarely do psoriasis symptoms produce pus which can be fatal if this type of psoriasis develops.

In most cases of psoriasis, the condition will be recurring although treatment such as drugs, creams, diet changes, home remedies for psoriasis will certainly help to reduce or eliminate psoriasis symptoms. Only rarely will the condition go away spontaneously and not return for years. In most cases especially with conventional treatment methods, the sufferer has to prepare for a life long battle with this condition.

With conventional methods of treatment including medications, creams, home remedies for psoriasis, etc, the condition is bound to return in addition to suffering side effects especially from prescription medications, not to mention the financial cost. Unconventional methods of treatment have been shown to provide long term relief for psoriasis symptoms. If you are tired of dealing with the physical and emotional toll of psoriasis, visit and discover a resource that has been a godsend for many sufferers.

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