Eczema as a skin condition can easily be taken lightly by the uninformed. Eczema can actually develop into a complex condition if not properly diagnosed and treated promptly.
What we would do in this article is to look at a few examples of eczema, possible causes and actions you can take in caring for an affected skin.
The process of treating this skin condition - eczema - starts with identifying the type of eczema in question. Doing this usually is closely linked to finding the cause of the condition in the first place. Let's look at a few examples of eczema types.
* Atopic Eczema - This is easily the most common type of eczema. It is sometimes also called Infant Eczema because is very common in babies. You can usually find it in about 20% of babies under the age of 1. On the other hand, only about 5% of adults suffer from this type of eczema. You should however bear in mind that in most cases than not, these babies grow out of them.
The major cause of Atopic Eczema is usually a reaction to certain allergens. There is also the possibility that it has a genetic source. It is not uncommon to see people with Atopic Eczema also suffering from Asthma or Hay Fever.
In treating this type of eczema, the offending allergen has to be identified and removed if possible. In some cases the patient has to be removed from the allergen especially if the allergen is something that is prevalent in that environment.
The patient should also use moisturizers and emollients regularly. There are cases when some steroid, hydrocortisone or antibiotics would be necessary. Needless to say, you need to consult your dermatologist for a more thoroughly treatment.
* Contact Eczema - As the name suggests, this type of eczema is caused when the affected part of the body comes in contact with certain substances. It is called an Allergic Contact Eczema when the contact results in an allergic reaction. When however the contact results in the skin being irritated, it is called an Irritant Contact Eczema.
Treating this type of eczema is probably the easiest. Once you identify the allergen or irritant and stop contact with it, the eczema clears up.
Some possible allergens and irritants are certain metals like nickel, constant exposure to certain chemicals, soaps, perfumes, rubber glues etc. The key therefore is identifying this allergen or irritant and staying away from it or them.
* Dyshidrotic Eczema - This type of eczema occurs on the hands and feet only. Whilst the causes for this eczema may not be very clear, it is thought that it may not be unconnected with the emotional or nervous state of the individual. It could also be a reaction to another medical condition in the body. It could even yet be a reaction to certain metals.
Generally using moisturizers and emollients is advised. Your best bet however is to consult your dermatologist.
* Seborrheic Eczema - This type of eczema occurs in both infants and adults. With adults, it can start as a patch or dandruff on the scalp. If not treated, it can develop and even spread to the face.
In infants (usually under age 6), it appears as a red rash on the scalp. This is often called Cradle Cap. Just like in the adult case, if not treated, it can spread to other parts of the face.
This type of eczema can be treated with certain hair shampoos. It is however wise that you consult a dermatologist.
* Nummular Eczema - This type of eczema is mostly found on adults with dry skin, after skin injuries, burns, insect bites etc. It has a distinct shape. You would usually find these eczema shaped as a coin or an oval lesion.
It is important with this type of eczema that the area is kept hydrated and of course clean. The use of moisturizers and emollients is highly advised. When you consult your dermatologist, he or she may recommend some steroids or hydrocortisone creams. In some cases treatment with Ultraviolet light may be necessary. This is for your dermatologist to decide.
* Neuroeczema - If you have ever felt an itch that only gets worse the more you scratch then you would understand this. This type of eczema usually starts when the nerve endings in the skin get irritated. This leads to a need to scratch the area which leads to more itch requiring more scratching. This is called the itch-scratch-itch cycle.
This irritation can be caused by insect bite, stress and more.
These are some of the types of eczema you would find around. There are a few other types you may encounter. The important thing to know is that whatever the type of eczema you may be plagued with, consulting a qualified dermatologist is your first and most important step towards getting a total solution.
Do You Need To Take Care Of That Eczema?
Be sure to consult a qualified dermatologist immediately.
Chizurum Gabriel is a writer with
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