Understanding Flaky Skin Around Eyes

What can cause flaky skin around eyes? There are several different causes for flaky skin around eyes. Some cases could be something as simple as an irritant or an allergen contacting the skin around the eyes (usually by rubbing the eyes after touching the irritant or allergen). Other cases could be a sign of something more severe, such as an eye or skin disease and/or infection. With irritants and allergens it basically depends on which is the culprit in order to know the best way to treat the affected area.

Irritant or Allergen - What can Cause Flaky Skin Around Eyes

The number one way to determine if the flaky skin around your eyes is caused by an irritant or an allergen is the time in which the symptoms began.

With an irritant, the lesions will begin to appear within an hour or so. If this is the case, begin washing the area with water as soon as you notice the irritation and go see your doctor. Usually some topical cream and little patience and the skin will clear up. In case the irritant is or could be dangerous to your skin, you should definitely see your doctor or go to the ER.

An allergen, on the other hand, could take up to a day or even two days for the symptoms to begin to show. Again, you should go see your doctor or a dermatologist to be safe. There are several creams available over the counter that will clear your skin up within days of onset. The main thing is try to figure out the source of the eye trouble and eliminate it. That is the best way to ensure that it will not happen a second time.

To try and determine where the source came from, stop and think about your actions and/or locations over the last day or so. Usually the culprit is something you have come into contact with recently. Could be on a camping or fishing trip where you could have possibly touched a leaf or branch of some sort of plant you are allergic to. Could it be at work? How about something new that you have recently introduced into your home?

More Serious Causes to Flaky Skin Around Eyes

Early contact dermatitis is another culprit to dry flaky skin around eyes. It is broken into different types such as edema, chemises, erythema, eyelid induration, chronic, scaling, crusting, eczema and lichenifications. Drugs, metals, such as nickel, food, cosmetics and maybe a new brand of soap could be the cause of the problem.

Blepharitis is another cause of skin irritation around the eyes. Common signs of blepharitis can include irritation, itching, and burning. Dry eyes are also a common sign, and can cause a deal of discomfort. Signs to watch for are; redness around the eyes, flaking skin, and crusty skin that usually gets worse when waking up, gritty sensations in the eye. If you are suffering from Flaky Skin Around eyes, you need to see a doctor and/or a dermatologist. Click the links below to learn more about treating flaky skin.

Learn more about treating flaky skin at http://www.flakyskin.net/ which has more information about flaky skin treatment and resources.

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Cooling Off Inflammation To Get Rid Of Itchy Skin Rashes

Red itchy rashes are commonly recognized as Eczema (Atopic dermatitis), a long-lasting inflammatory skin disease caused by multifaceted associations between genetics and environmental issues.

Eczema symptoms involve:

--Redness or brownish patches
--Thickened, cracked or scaly skin
--Sore, sensitive skin

The precise origin of Eczema remains unspecified, but it has been linked to an increased response by the body's immune system to various triggers. Recent researches have underscored important role of inflammation in Eczema.

Critical Role Of Inflammation In Eczema Outbreak

Based on recent scientific and medical investigations, inflammation promotes to Eczema by:

--Producing irritants and amplifying oxidative stress;
--Pushing premature cell dying and delaying wound healing and skin regeneration;
--Destructing skin barrier and weakening cellular metabolism and protection;
--Escalating allergen dispersion and triggering self-propagating cycles of allergic sensitization;
--Exaggerating immune and auto-immune reactions.

Topical Corticosteroid Treatments For Eczema Relief

To break nasty circle and aggravation of inflammatory responses, control of inflammation and rebuild skin barrier function are the vital steps toward eczema cure.

Topical corticosteroid treatments are often used to restrain inflammation and alleviate skin irritation, itchiness, scaliness and rash. General adverse reactions of corticosteroids include skin thinning (atrophy), loss of pigmentation, sensitive to steroids, and more susceptible to infection.

Additives In Skincare Formulations May Harm Eczema Skin Lesions

Lotions, creams and oils are commonly used to help the skin maintain moisture. These cosmetic products are also routinely used by Eczema patients. Recent researches indicate that additives in these skincare products (e.g., alcohol and preservatives) may exacerbate inflammation and provoke Eczema to break out.

Control Inflammation With Natural Remedies For Eczema Cure

The age old traditional medicine offers alternative therapies to ease inflammation. Many botanical medicinal herbs, used in the traditional medicine for thousands of years, have strong anti-inflammatory properties. These anti-inflammatory plants and herbal remedies have been carefully examined and a large number of valuable publications become available.

Benefits Of Anti-inflammatory Remedies For Eczema Relief

Anti-inflammatory remedies offer many benefits to Eczema by:

--Inhibiting a broad panel of inflammatory mediators rather than a single inflammatory factor, thus a more efficient solution to complex skin conditions.
--Promoting a balanced immune response against allergens, trauma, and infection.
--Helping repair endogenous (i.e., derived internally) antioxidants, the most important disease-fighting molecules in the body.

To learn more about inflammatory skin disorders and how to cool inflammation with natural anti-inflammatory herbs, follow blog series "Nature's Best Anti-inflammatory Herbs" and "Natural Cures For Chronic Inflammatory Conditions".

Dr Yi Shi, founder of Innovative Drug Discovery and 3rSkinCare.com is well established in inflammatory disease research. Dr Shi has accomplished numerous research projects and published over 40 research articles in medical journals. For close to a decade, Dr Shi has led collaborative efforts to develop better anti-inflammatory products and 3R Skin Care System for long-lasting inflammatory skin conditions and eczema cure.

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How To Cure Eczema

It is estimated that approximately 10% of the worldwide population today suffers from some form of eczema, and so if you are looking into how to cure eczema today, you are definitely not alone. The fact is that eczema can range in severity from bothersome to downright unbearable, and most doctors do recommend steroid creams as a treatment. Many, however, do not want to apply steroids to their bodies on a regular basis, and so the desire to find a natural solution is a popular one.

The Symptoms

If you want to know how to cure eczema naturally, you no doubt are very aware of the symptoms associated with this skin condition. Essentially, this is an inflammation of the skin that is characterized by redness, itching, dryness, flaking or scaling skin patches, and more. Sometimes these patches may ooze or bleed with severe cases, and this can result in scarring. It is common to see these symptoms on all parts of the body, but the appendages are especially prone to eczema rashes. Many times these symptoms may be caused by weather changes and exposure to allergens, but other causes include genetics, exposure to mites, and health conditions like celiac disease.

How to Cure Eczema Through Avoidance

If you want to know how to cure eczema without the use of steroids, you may find that paying attention to which factors worsen your condition is critical. While not all cases are caused by environmental factors, you may find that paying attention to weather changes, the foods you eat, exposure to certain allergens, and more can help you to pinpoint any environmental factors that make your condition worse. Knowing this information can be critical in making decisions in your life to avoid exposure to such elements when possible, or otherwise to begin natural treatments soon with regards to weather changes.

How to Cure Eczema Naturally

Of course, even with the best preventive efforts, flare ups may continue to occur from time to time, and so you will want to know how to cure eczema naturally through over the counter or common ingredients. You can take some ingredients internally as a health supplement like Virgin Coconut Oil, Grape Juice, Fish Oils, or Lauric Acid with great results, or you can apply other options topically like colloidal oatmeal cream or coconut butter lotion. These are best used immediately following a bath when skin is still moist. You can also apply castor oil mixed with calendula extract or soak in an oatmeal or kelp bath.

You should keep in mind that if you want to know how to cure eczema naturally, it is often not a specific method that works best for someone but rather a complete approach that may include avoidance as well as baths, supplements, and lotions or creams. These options can often be used with great results in combination with each other for a complete approach to both easing symptoms and preventing new flare ups from developing, too. This is often a great alternative to steroid treatments.

Looking for a proven way to cure Eczema right away? If so, then be sure to check out the best all natural solution thousands have use for their ailment and see immediate results in treating your Eczema today! Stephanie Petterson is a medical journalist with 20 years of research in all-natural cures and home remedies, and will only recommend the highest quality treatment proven to provide relief for your disease.

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Dyshidrotic Eczema: 5 Things You Did Not Know About Dyshidrotic Eczema

1. What is it?

Dyshidrotic eczema is a form of eczema which affects the hands and the feet, but is more common on the hands. It tends to affect young adults and older people. Most people, who develop this form of eczema, have a history of allergy.

2. What does Dyshidrotic eczema look like?

In the early stages, this form of eczema appears as small fluid filled vesicles, along the sides of the fingers, palms of the hands, or the bottom of the feet. The vesicles may rupture forming weeping crusts that can sometimes take up to a few weeks to heal. As the vesicles heal they may leave rings demarcating where the vesicles had been. Generally the skin beneath the vesicles is not damaged.

Bacterial infection of open vesicles is a common complication. This may spread in the tissues to become cellulitis, an infection of the soft tissues of the hands or feet. The infection may also spread to neighbouring lymph nodes. Rarely the infection may spread to the blood causing septicaemia (generalised bacterial infection), which is life threatening. The nails may also be affected; they may become thick, pitted, discoloured and ridged.

3. The Dyshidrotic eczema myth

This form of eczema got its name because it was thought that it was caused by excessive sweating of the hands. It is now know that the fluid which accumulates in the vesicles is not sweat, but serum. It if felt the serum accumulated between the outer layers of the skin when the skin becomes irritated.

4. What causes Dyshidrotic eczema?

Researchers are not certain as to why people develop Dyshidrotic eczema. However, a number of things have been noticed to be associated with its development. There is a seasonal pattern to its occurrence, with it being more common in warm weather. Some persons develop Dyshidrotic eczema after being exposed to very sunny weather.

The condition is, more common in people who have a history of contact irritant dermatitis. It is especially associated with certain professions. People who have to regularly wash their hands, such as cooks, nurses and dentist, tend to get this type of hand eczema more commonly. Dyshidrotic eczema is aggravated by irritants such as solvents, detergent and soap.

5. How to treat Dyshidrotic eczema.

The best approach is to find out what irritant is contributing to its development and avoid its use. Other wise treatment is symptomatic. Your doctor may prescribe oral anti-itch medication for the intense itching which normally accompanies this condition. Applications such as dilute potassium permanganate or aluminium acetate can be used to help dry up the blisters. Steroid ointments may also be used in the acute stages to help to clear up the condition. In severe cases oral steroids may be used for a short time.

It is also important to keep the skin well moisturized, to prevent dryness and painful cracking which sometimes occurs with Dyshidrotic eczema. It is best to use a thick moisturiser such as emollient or Vaseline.

And if you want to know more about dyshidrotic eczema click on the link to receive your free e-course now at http://allergyrock.com/. My name is Shelley and my goal is to educate people who suffer from eczema, in order to help them overcome the condition.

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Eczema Cure - 100% Free, Natural, Non-Drug, Non-Invasive

I am not saying that this will cure anyone out there in the exact time frame, even if you follow my health routine exactly because it really depends on how damaged, poisoned your body is. That is the truth. The more damaged your body is, the longer it will take to recover, but at least now you know that you CAN recover and be cured! Eczema and allergies, like many other chronic illnesses, are NOT "incurable" diseases, as claimed by many conventional medical doctors.

The cause of nearly all chronic mental/physical diseases is simply a deviation from our real natural human diet and lifestyle. It is as simple as that!

For example, imagine feeding a lion, a carnivore, a diet of fruits and vegetables instead of meat. You would expect it to get sick and probably die prematurely correct? Same applies to human beings like us. Eat processed food, put on toxic cosmetics, and expect poor health and sickness.

In no particular order:

Paleo Diet (I do the raw version of it, but mainstream paleo diet is cooked or slightly cooked)Probiotics (from fermented vegetables with Real Himalayan Salt - free and effective, or probiotic capsules mixed with coconut water and a pinch of Real Himalayan Salt)1-2 or 3 hours of sunbathing every day, if possible, for Vitamin D (best to get out of the sun once your skin is turning pink. This depends on your skin color)UropathyCoffee enemas to detox liverOther healthy lifestyle habits (e.g. sleeping early - before 11pm (ideally before 10pm), minimizing stress, moderate exercise daily)Removal of potentially toxic dental fillings, fissure sealants, permanent retainers (fixed into place with dental "concrete")Minimizing toxin exposure in daily life (99.9% or more of skin, hair, beauty, perfume products on the market have proven harmful toxins) I use 100% natural soap, shampoo, conditioners, natural oils for moisturizers (coconut, avocado, almond oil etc.)

Apart from curing my eczema, severe allergies (food, environmental), I also overcame a host of other symptoms, including severe depression, eating disorders etc.

I completely understand that you might not be ready to implement all of the dietary and lifestyle changes mentioned above. Start at your own pace and do what you're comfortable with. Of course, if you are in very poor health, I would recommend that you try out as many of the recommendations as possible. This will ensure that you recover rapidly.

For a detailed and continuously updated story of my battle with eczema and allergies, feel free to visit my website. [100% NO COMMERCIAL INTEREST, no products, no ads. Pure, free information and experience.]

"It is your basic human right to have total control over your health, without having to rely on anyone else." Wishing everyone the best of health.

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Dermatologist - Taking Care Of That Eczema

Eczema as a skin condition can easily be taken lightly by the uninformed. Eczema can actually develop into a complex condition if not properly diagnosed and treated promptly.

What we would do in this article is to look at a few examples of eczema, possible causes and actions you can take in caring for an affected skin.

The process of treating this skin condition - eczema - starts with identifying the type of eczema in question. Doing this usually is closely linked to finding the cause of the condition in the first place. Let's look at a few examples of eczema types.

* Atopic Eczema - This is easily the most common type of eczema. It is sometimes also called Infant Eczema because is very common in babies. You can usually find it in about 20% of babies under the age of 1. On the other hand, only about 5% of adults suffer from this type of eczema. You should however bear in mind that in most cases than not, these babies grow out of them.

The major cause of Atopic Eczema is usually a reaction to certain allergens. There is also the possibility that it has a genetic source. It is not uncommon to see people with Atopic Eczema also suffering from Asthma or Hay Fever.

In treating this type of eczema, the offending allergen has to be identified and removed if possible. In some cases the patient has to be removed from the allergen especially if the allergen is something that is prevalent in that environment.

The patient should also use moisturizers and emollients regularly. There are cases when some steroid, hydrocortisone or antibiotics would be necessary. Needless to say, you need to consult your dermatologist for a more thoroughly treatment.

* Contact Eczema - As the name suggests, this type of eczema is caused when the affected part of the body comes in contact with certain substances. It is called an Allergic Contact Eczema when the contact results in an allergic reaction. When however the contact results in the skin being irritated, it is called an Irritant Contact Eczema.

Treating this type of eczema is probably the easiest. Once you identify the allergen or irritant and stop contact with it, the eczema clears up.

Some possible allergens and irritants are certain metals like nickel, constant exposure to certain chemicals, soaps, perfumes, rubber glues etc. The key therefore is identifying this allergen or irritant and staying away from it or them.

* Dyshidrotic Eczema - This type of eczema occurs on the hands and feet only. Whilst the causes for this eczema may not be very clear, it is thought that it may not be unconnected with the emotional or nervous state of the individual. It could also be a reaction to another medical condition in the body. It could even yet be a reaction to certain metals.

Generally using moisturizers and emollients is advised. Your best bet however is to consult your dermatologist.

* Seborrheic Eczema - This type of eczema occurs in both infants and adults. With adults, it can start as a patch or dandruff on the scalp. If not treated, it can develop and even spread to the face.

In infants (usually under age 6), it appears as a red rash on the scalp. This is often called Cradle Cap. Just like in the adult case, if not treated, it can spread to other parts of the face.

This type of eczema can be treated with certain hair shampoos. It is however wise that you consult a dermatologist.

* Nummular Eczema - This type of eczema is mostly found on adults with dry skin, after skin injuries, burns, insect bites etc. It has a distinct shape. You would usually find these eczema shaped as a coin or an oval lesion.

It is important with this type of eczema that the area is kept hydrated and of course clean. The use of moisturizers and emollients is highly advised. When you consult your dermatologist, he or she may recommend some steroids or hydrocortisone creams. In some cases treatment with Ultraviolet light may be necessary. This is for your dermatologist to decide.

* Neuroeczema - If you have ever felt an itch that only gets worse the more you scratch then you would understand this. This type of eczema usually starts when the nerve endings in the skin get irritated. This leads to a need to scratch the area which leads to more itch requiring more scratching. This is called the itch-scratch-itch cycle.

This irritation can be caused by insect bite, stress and more.

These are some of the types of eczema you would find around. There are a few other types you may encounter. The important thing to know is that whatever the type of eczema you may be plagued with, consulting a qualified dermatologist is your first and most important step towards getting a total solution.

Do You Need To Take Care Of That Eczema?

Be sure to consult a qualified dermatologist immediately.

Chizurum Gabriel is a writer with dermatologist.net.

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How To Ensure That You Do Not Confuse Psoriasis With Eczema

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition with no cure at the present time although there are many treatment methods including home remedies for psoriasis that have been found to work effectively at controlng the disease. While psoriasis is usually very simple to diagnose by a doctor, it can still be confused with other skin conditions with the main one being eczema.

In order to understand the differences between the diseases which will help in determining the proper treatment regimen that may include drugs, ointments, following a proper diet, home remedies for psoriasis, etc, it is important to understand these two skin conditions.

What is Eczema?

Eczema which is sometimes called dermatisis which is the catchall term for many skin conditions arising from the inflammation of the skin including eczema. Eczema is usually characterized by bsters on the skin in severe cases of the condition. There will also be oozing, redness, crusts/scabs, fluid in the tissue, and itching or burning. The areas most affected are those where creasing of the skin occurs such as the back of the knee or the top of the elbow.

There are also many different types of eczema just ke with psoriasis with one of the most common types being known as atopic dermatisis which results from an allergic reaction and there is usually a family history of hay fever or asthma.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis results from rapid skin turnover in a sufferer. In normal skin, skin turnover (when new skin pushes away the top layer of skin leading to dead skin that is sloughed away) usually occurs every 30 to 35 days and is usually unnoticeable. With psoriasis, this turnover takes place much quicker in bout four to five days leading to dead skin ping up on top of skin which is very noticeable.

Psoriasis is usually evidenced by thick red eruptions that are usually covered with white, silvery white or gray oval shaped scales over small or large areas of the body. These areas can itch or burn. It affects up to 2% of the population and usually shows up between the ages of 15 and 30. This condition is not contagious.

Commonly affected areas include the lower back, knees, knuckles, elbows and the scalp. Other areas of the body that can be affected by psoriasis include the fingernails and toenails when pitting, brown discoloration, cracking and fting of the nail will be evidenced. While these are common areas affected, psoriasis can affect any body part including genitals, joints, etc. While there is no psoriasis cure, many treatments including home remedies for psoriasis can work to keep the condition at bay.

Differences between Psoriasis and Eczema
Psoriasis usually features dry thick scales over the affected area whereas eczema is often oozing and wet.Eczema usually includes cracks in the skin.Eczema in most cases especially atopic dermatisis mentioned above usually begins before the age of two while most cases of psoriasis first appear in adulthood.Although both conditions can feature itchy lesions, eczema is usually very itchy while the itching associated with psoriasis is usually mild to none at all although some psoriasis lesions can be very itchy.Eczema does not feature the silvery white scales on top of lesions as evidenced with most cases of psoriasis.Eczema sufferers do not usually show any changes in their fingernails or toenails as found with many cases of psoriasis.With plaque psoriasis which is the most common type of psoriasis, there will be a clear border between affected skin and healthy skin. This border between healthy and unhealthy skin is not usually present when eczema first makes its presence known.History of asthma or hay fever is usually common with certain types of eczema such as atopic dermatisis while this type of family history is not present with psoriasis.

Other skin conditions that may be mistaken for psoriasis include fungal infections (ringworm) as well as candidiasis (yeast infection) that may be found around the genitalia as well as underneath the breasts.

As mentioned previously, a doctor will be able to easily determine what skin condition you are suffering from in order for the proper treatment to commence, including drugs, home remedies for psoriasis, etc.

Psoriasis Diagnosis

This is usually done by the doctor first analyzing your skin, your scalp as well as your nails for any signs of psoriasis. A biopsy, blood tests as well as x-rays can also be used to diagnose psoriasis and then start a treatment regimen that may include home remedies for psoriasis.

The first step in overcoming this chronic skin disease is to receive a proper diagnosis and this can be easily done by your doctor. This awareness will make it much easier to find the proper treatment. Even though there isn't a psoriasis cure and while one treatment can work for one sufferer but not for another, there are still many treatment options including home remedies for psoriasis that can work. You just need to find what will work for you. For more on psoriasis, visit, http://permanentpsoriasisrelief.blogspot.com/.

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The Diagnosis and Progression of Psoriasis

This chronic (recurring and long lasting) skin condition can be the bane of most sufferers' existence. This is further exacerbated by the fact that still not much is known about what causes it and there is currently no psoriasis cure. There are however various treatments that can provide relief from the psoriasis symptoms which vary from medication, diet, light therapy, home remedies for psoriasis, etc.


It affects about 1 to 3 percent of the world's population making it one of the most common skin conditions. It is less common in Africa and Asia. In the US about 3 to 7 million are affected with the majority suffering mild forms of the condition and being able to successfully control the condition with topical medications, diet changes, home remedies for psoriasis, etc.

Psoriasis affects men and women equally of all ages although the majority begin showing symptoms between the ages of 15 and 35. Approximately 10 to 15% of patients develop the condition before the age of ten.


Simply put, psoriasis results from a multitude of skin cells that develop at the same time which leads to red patches of skin (due to the overactive blood supply) that are covered by silvery scales (plaques).

Unless the form of psoriasis is unusual, dermatologists usually diagnose the condition easily by;

Determining if there is a family history of the conditionDetermining whether there is a pinkish rash in the cleft of the buttocksDetermining whether the nails (fingernails and toenails) show signs of pitting, are yellowish, are lifted off the nail beds or other nail changesDetermining whether there is the presence of sharp margins (borders) on skin patches.

If the doctor is still unsure, a skin biopsy may be performed or x-rays or blood tests


Since not much is understood by the disease, the progression of the condition is very unpredictable and it may affect small areas or large areas of the skin. The psoriasis may come and go especially if set off by triggers such as stress. It can also be more widespread.

The most common type of psoriasis affects the knees, scalp, elbows and the trunk of the body and features red, silvery, scaly, patches of skin which can vary from mild to severe and can be treated with topical creams and medications, prescription medications, home remedies for psoriasis, etc.

Some types of psoriasis that are severe may develop as a result of a bacterial infection such as strep throat which can lead to guttate psoriasis which causes drop-like lesions to develop and can be quite stubborn. Although treating the bacterial infection may work to also clear the lesions, often additional treatment is required.

Very rarely do psoriasis symptoms produce pus which can be fatal if this type of psoriasis develops.

In most cases of psoriasis, the condition will be recurring although treatment such as drugs, creams, diet changes, home remedies for psoriasis will certainly help to reduce or eliminate psoriasis symptoms. Only rarely will the condition go away spontaneously and not return for years. In most cases especially with conventional treatment methods, the sufferer has to prepare for a life long battle with this condition.

With conventional methods of treatment including medications, creams, home remedies for psoriasis, etc, the condition is bound to return in addition to suffering side effects especially from prescription medications, not to mention the financial cost. Unconventional methods of treatment have been shown to provide long term relief for psoriasis symptoms. If you are tired of dealing with the physical and emotional toll of psoriasis, visit http://permanentpsoriasisrelief.blogspot.com/ and discover a resource that has been a godsend for many sufferers.

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Home Remedies for Treating Flaky Skin

When there is insufficient production of natural oil, sebum, in the body, the skin becomes dry and flaky. This may happen either because of the hormonal changes in the body or due to certain side effects caused by some medication. It may also occur due to weather changes. Thus, we need to take extra care and provide protection to our skin against the weather changes. Discussed below are some home remedies to treat flaky skin.

Eating soaked almonds is one very easy and convenient method to keep the skin moist. You can have them daily. All you have to do is leave 2-3 almonds soaked in water overnight. Peel them in the morning before eating. They are known to be quite essential for maintaining healthy skin. To treat flaky skin, you can also rub milk cream on it before going to bath. Milk cream is immensely rich and will replenish your skin's lost moisture. During winter the skin tends to become very dry and flaky. To protect your skin against such weather, do oil massage of your body in winters. Some of the oils that are recommended to be used for body massage are olive oil, baby oil and Vitamin E oil. However, a mixture of olive oil and almond oil is said to be extremely beneficial for very dry and flaky skin.

To get rid of flaky skin, you can take a bottle of glycerin and put a few drops of lemon juice to it. Shake it well and then apply it on your skin. Keep it overnight and then was in the morning. It will give you flake free glowing skin. Another very effective healing cream for flaky skin is Aloe Vera cream. This cream consists of soothing agents which are helpful in repairing the skin's damaged tissues. It restores moisture of your skin. While bathing, use a good moisturizing soap to avoid any further damage to your skin. Milk cream based soaps are highly recommended. Also, avoid bathing in very hot water as it will reduce the natural oils from the body. Always use lukewarm water.

When you go out, do not go in direct sunlight as it tends to absorb the moisture from your skin and will make it even drier. Always apply a good sunscreen lotion. Petroleum jelly can be very effective to treat flaky skin of lips and heels. If you experience rashes, swelling, itching or peeling on your skin, it is recommended to seek medical advice as it may be an indicator of some skin disease or allergy. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet, consuming lots of fluids and use of moisturizing agents on skin is very important to maintain the moisture and smoothness of skin.

Taking proper care of your skin is very essential. If you will follow the above mentioned remedies, you will surely experience at least some relief from your condition and prevent any further damage. Since skin flakes is not a permanent problem, a little more attention towards the health of your skin can help you in keeping it healthy and glowing.

Learn more about getting rid of flaky skin at http://www.flakyskin.net/ which has more information remedies about treating flaky skin.

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Top 10 Eczema Creams for Babies and Toddlers

Eczema is a very common skin condition, especially in infants and toddlers. Because of a baby's sensitive skin, the parents should be cautious about which lotions they use. Here is a list of the top 10 eczema creams for babies and toddlers based on personal experience and customer reviews.

1. Aquaphor Healing Ointment from Eucerin

This moisturizing ointment is designed to treat diaper rash and chafed cheeks and chins from drooling as well as eczema rashes. No eczema cream can be the best cream for everyone since people's skin react differently to skin care products. An example is that some parents say this is an extremely gentle cream compared to other creams while others say that this cream is harsh.

2. Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Moisture Cream

Less greasy than some creams, this moisturizer is absorbed quickly in the skin. Like many others, this lotion contains soy. So, it should not be used on infants and toddlers who are allergic to soy.

3. Gentle Naturals Baby Eczema Cream

Some parents say that this moisturizer worked better on their children's eczema than what the doctor prescribed. This does not mean that parents should disregard the doctor's recommendations. A concerned parent may want to discuss using an over-the-counter cream like this one rather than a prescription. However, this lotion contains soybean oil, so it should not be used on children who have allergies to soy.

4. California Baby Aloe Vera Cream

This cream contains organic and sustainably grown ingredients. It does not contain soy or dairy as many creams do. Some people use this cream for the whole family for eczema and minor skin irritations.

5. Mustela Stelatopia Moisturizing Cream

Some parents say that they had success using this cream to treat their children's eczema when the eczema did not get better with other creams. Bad customer reviews for this cream say that it didn't work for their children or the effect of this cream doesn't seem to last very long.

6. Shea butter

Many people use shea butter for themselves and their children. Some tout shea butter as a natural cure for eczema even though there is no cure for this condition. Shea butter can be sold separately or as an ingredient in moisturizing creams.

7. Triple Cream Severe Dry Skin/Eczema

Though this cream can be a bit greasy, it works very well for keeping skin moisturized. Customers say that the cream effectively reduces eczema flare ups. This cream is suitable for children and adults.

8. Calendula oils and creams

Calendula used in moisturizers is from marigolds. Moisturizing creams that contain calendula often are very good at treating and preventing eczema.

9. Babyganics Bye Bye Dry Moisturizing Eczema Care Cream

The positive customer reviews for this cream say that it effectively moisturizes the skin and works very fast to soothe eczema rashes.

10. Neosporin Eczema Essentials Daily Moisturizing Cream

Parents said that this cream worked very well to clear up dry, flaky eczema rashes on their toddlers and school-age children. Some parents whose children have severe eczema have used this product as a steroid alternative.

Not even the best eczema cream will work well for everyone. Unfortunately, this means that finding one eczema cream that works for an individual involves trial and error. Hopefully, this list of the top 10 eczema creams for babies and toddlers will provide a starting point for parents who need to find a cream that will work for their children.

Sheila Wilson has written numerous articles about eczema causes, symptoms, and eczema treatment. Please visit Eczema on Skin for more information about the top 10 eczema creams.

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Everything You Need to Know About Chronic Eczema - Get Rid of Dry Skin

What many people don't understand about chronic eczema is that it is not really one condition but rather several skin conditions that together are what we know as eczema or dermatitis. It can affect anyone of any age and commonly occurs during the second year of life, and for many, continues to the end of their life. Chronic eczema can be extremely uncomfortable and even painful. It can cause itchy patches, redness, inflammation, and even blistering on just about every part of the body depending on the trigger.

Eczema Triggers

Even those with chronic eczema can go months without a flare up depending on what their triggers are. Though they can differ from person to person, there are some common triggers that can bring on the red, thickened patches of skin and the uncomfortable itch in most sufferers. They include:

HeatStressExtreme coldSun exposureSoaps and beauty products containing perfumes and dyesChemicals in cleaning productsWool clothing and other "itchy" fabricsFabric softeners and laundry detergentsCertain foods and medicationsYeastChlorine in swimming pools and hot tubsSeason change

Eczema Is Not an Allergy

It is a common misconception that eczema is an allergy. This is not true, though it's easy to see why people would come to this conclusion given that certain allergies trigger eczema break outs. There has been evidence to suggest that having a family member who suffers from hay fever or other allergies could increase someone's risk of suffering from eczema.

The Different Types of Eczema

Chronic eczema refers to regular flare ups of dermatitis, which basically means different types of dermatitis on different parts of the body. One example of this is what is known as "cradle cap" on small babies. Most people know that cradle cap is a common occurrence with babies, but few know that it is actually a form of eczema called infantile seborrheic eczema. There is also adult seborrheic eczema which can range from mild dandruff to more severe with red, scaly patches of skin on the scalp. And varicose eczema affects the lower legs and is caused by poor circulation.

Dozens of other types of eczema exist and like with atopic eczema, which is the most common type, all of these have their triggers and can occur when you're exposed to them.

Symptoms of Chronic Eczema

Most people learn very early in life what their symptoms of eczema are. They can differ in severity from person to person or flare-up to flare-up, but in the end the symptoms are pretty much the same and include:

Small reddish bumpsThick patches of skin, usually with rednessItchinessScaling and flakingDry patchesCrusting inside the elbows and in skin folds

Learn the root causes of your skin problems and more on my blog at: http://www.getridofdryskin.com/ I have lots of great information as well as natural solutions to many skin problems.

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Eczema Causes - 3 Steps To Finding Them

Step 1
Finding the causes of eczema can be quite frustrating. Therefore it is important to know how to approach it. Finding eczema causes requires patience and persistence. First you need to be aware of the wide range of things that can trigger eczema to develop. Many people focus on foods; however, any thing you use or that is present in your environment can be a trigger. These include changes in the weather and stress. Also people who have certain occupations associated with the use of chemicals, metals or strong cleaning products, may develop contact eczema.

Step 2
If you are going to succeed at finding eczema causes, you will need to keep a detailed eczema diary. Each page should have the date, the state of your eczema on that day and categories for the various types of things that you were exposed to that day. If your exposures are the same for several days in a row, you ca just add the date to the previous page. If there is a change in your exposures, add those to a new page. You should also record the recurring exposures on the new page. It is likely that one or more of your exposures causes eczema. The major categories should be Weather and Environmental Conditions, Food and Drink, Toiletries, Detergents, Pets, Clothing Fabrics, Chemicals and Cleaning Agents, Stresses and Significant Events. Each day carefully record your exposures in each of these categories. Over a period of time you should start to notice that certain exposures are more common around the time that your eczema symptoms are worse.

Step 3
To confirm whether the common exposures are cause your eczema, the next step is to remove each exposure for a month and then observe if there is any improvement in your eczema. If there is no improvement add the exposure back in and proceed to the next one, until you have completed the process. At the end of this process you should have a firmer understanding of your specific eczema causes. I do not advocate removing all the suspected exposure all at once and then adding them back in one by one. This may cause too much of an adjustment shock to the body if there are several suspected exposures. In addition if several of the exposures are foods from different food groups, you can compromise your nutrition by removing them all at once.

In looking for your eczema causes, it is important to remember that it may not be easy to remove all suspected exposures. In the spring, if you live in an area with lots of pollinating plants, and you think pollen causes your eczema, it will be difficult to avoid coming into contact with pollen. As you can see the process of determining eczema causes will require patience and persistence.

And if you want to find out more, click on this link: http://allergyrock.com/ to get your free e-book on how to control eczema. My name is shelley and I have overcome eczema. My mission is to educate people with eczema, and help them to get rid of their eczema too.

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Cure for Childhood Eczema - Eczema Treatment for Babies

In this article I will tell you 2 great solutions for childhood eczema. These are eczema treatments for babies and adults.

What is eczema?

Eczema is a skin condition that causes rash, irritation, inflammation, redness, itchiness and discomfort.

How do you get infected with eczema?

There are numerous ways to get infected with this disease. The most cases of childhood eczema are caused by inheritance. Meaning eczema can be inherited by a family member; if a family member is or was diagnosed with eczema it is likely that you will inherit the disease. Another common cause of baby eczema is allergies.

Can childhood eczema be treated? The answer is yes!

The best way to tackle eczema is using natural and organic cures; these cures cause no side effects and are very effective in treating childhood eczema. I will show you 2 natural ways to tackle this skin disease.

How to prevent eczema?

The best way to prevent eczema is by avoiding certain things and by changing lifestyle. Let me explain this better:

Allergic reactions can trigger this skin condition and the most common of them all is wool! Many people make their babies wear wool clothes. They are unaware that wool causes skin rash and irritation and triggers eczema. My advice is to stop wearing wool clothes and instead wear cotton wear. Cotton, unlike wool is much softer, smoother and itchy free material and studies show that it is effective in treating baby eczema.

Studies show that dehydration is the most common cause for childhood eczema therefore my advice is to drink plenty of water a day. Lack of water makes your body suffer and creates body rash therefore drink 2/3 litres of water a day and prevent rash to appear.

Now it is the time for my 2 natural and organic cures for childhood and baby eczema.

Take a bath from this solution: warm water and milk. Mix these two liquids and take a gently bath, the warm water will open the skin spoors and the milk containing curable enzymes will infiltrate your skin and will eat the eczema from inside out. This treatment is great for childhood and baby eczema.

Please note: dairy products can also trigger eczema; if your baby or child have allergies with milk the above treatment can be dangerous.

Oatmeal is great for treating childhood eczema! Mix oatmeal with water and create a paste that will act as an organic cream that will help you to treat your skin condition. Simply apply this paste over the infect area and leave it for at least 15 minutes and then you may wash it off with water. This treatment has helped so many people and I hope it will also help you to reduce your eczema symptoms.

And there you go 2 great ways to treat childhood eczema, I had eczema for years and usual medications didn't help. Until I found this website! My skin has been healthier ever since! You can do it too! Visit http://www.eczemacuretoday.com/.

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Do Not Underestimate the Power of Using Home Remedies For Psoriasis

Every person who is battling psoriasis knows that there isn't a cure for psoriasis or one treatment that will work in all cases which makes obtaining relief from psoriasis difficult but not impossible. In many cases, a lot of trial and error will be involved and a combination of various treatments. While searching for the right treatment that will work to reduce or eliminate psoriasis symptoms, it is important not to forget the power of using home remedies for psoriasis that in some cases may be even more effective than conventional treatments.

Advantages of Using Home Remedies for Psoriasis

1. Puts You in Control

It is no surprise that many people struggle with psoriasis both physically and emotionally. Psoriasis can be frustrating and it is easier to simply throw your arms in the air and give up the fight. Part of this may be due to depending on someone else to provide a solution for you.

There is nothing wrong with getting assistance from someone like a doctor but at the end of the day, it is your disease and you have to deal with it. In addition a doctor may not have all the information and solutions for this disease and you will have to depend upon yourself to find what you need.

Taking control of this disease will be very empowering for you and it will allow you to research various ingredients that you can use to make home remedies for psoriasis and the trial and error required before you find what works. Home remedies for psoriasis will help you know what oils, spices, lotions, etc, work the best for you and you will be able to share your experiences with others struggling with this condition.

True victory not only comes with helping yourself but being able to help someone else and home remedies for psoriasis will help you do this.

2. More Money In Your Pocket

You bank account will thank you for being able to create various home remedies for psoriasis using ingredients available in your home. Medications (prescriptions and over the counter), doctor's visits, light therapy for psoriasis, experimental treatments, etc, all cost a great deal of money that you may or may not have. If you have insurance, dealing with your insurance company may also prove to be a headache and creating various remedies will help you to lessen the financial burdens.

Most of the ingredients used in home remedies for psoriasis cost a fraction of what various other treatment regimens cost. In addition, these ingredients are usually multi purpose and you can use them for other purposes in the house such as cooking.

With the extra money you will save, you can plan a vacation to de-stress which will benefit your psoriasis as well, use it for a down payment on a house, start a business, etc.

3. No side effects

Many medications or other conventional treatment regimens produce various side effects even when they provide some relief. Home remedies for psoriasis do not really produce any side effects unless you are allergic to a certain ingredient and you should know this before hand or with a test which will allow you to avoid the ingredient and look for an alternative which cannot be done with a medication that has been created.

While psoriasis can be a struggle, choosing to feel powerless will keep you battling psoriasis symptoms constantly with no relief in sight. Taking control on the other hand will help you find solutions including home remedies for psoriasis. Finding natural cures is the way to go, so get the "Psoriasis Free For Life" resource shown on the right that has helped many suffers cure psoriasis at home. What do you have to lose? Just years of pain and discomfort which is no small thing. Visit http://permanentpsoriasisrelief.blogspot.com/ for more info.

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