Adult Eczema - What Is It?

Most people with adult eczema have had eczema as a child. Those adults who had eczema as a child suffer with atopic dermatitis. A smaller proportion of people develop adult onset eczema. For those who develop eczema as an adult, this may be due to developed weaknesses in the immune system, or it may be associated with their occupation.

Certain immune system diseases may make one more prone to developing eczema.
This type of eczema may occur on any part of the body. People who work as cleaners or other occupations where there is frequent hand washing and the wearing of gloves may develop adult onset eczema. Dentists, nurses and people who work with chemicals and metals are more prone to developing this type of eczema. This type of eczema is commonly known as contact or irritant eczema.

The symptoms of adult eczema depend upon the symptoms and the area of the body affected. The symptoms of atopic dermatitis include a red scaly itchy rash. This may first appear as boils which then become flat and scaly. They may also cause a darkening discoloration of the skin. The extreme itch leads to scratching which may then result in broken skin that become secondarily infected with common skin bacteria such as staphylococcus.

The site of the body affected and the symptoms of contact /irritant eczema depend upon the type of substance one is exposed to. The substance has to come in direct contact with the skin. This often provides a clue as to the cause of contact/ irritant eczema.

The treatment of atopic dermatitis is mainly centered on finding out the root cause of allergies which contribute to the development of eczema flare ups, and avoiding these. The next most important thing is to maintain moisturisation of the skin. This is done by drinking plenty of fluids, water being best, and taking good care of the skin.

It is important to treat the skin gently. Avoid having long hot showers and baths. Have short baths in cool to warm water. Avoid using soap based products to cleanse the skin. Use natural non-soap based cleansers. After baths do not rub the skin and do not dry completely. Gently pat dry and immediately apply moisturiser.

Avoid heavy greasy moisturisers which clog the pores. Use natural moisturisers such as extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil, and other natural oils. These types of moisturisers contain no perfumes or other additives which can dry the skin, and contribute to eczema flare-ups. They are pure and are easily absorbed by the skin, keeping it moisturised for longer. These products also contain natural healing substances that promote healing of the skin. This is why it is important to use the virgin cold pressed varieties of these products rather than those that have been heat treated, resulting in the destruction of the natural healing ingredients.

Adult eczema that comes about as a result of contact with irritants usually resolve, when one avoids using or coming into contact with the irritant.

And if you want to learn more about adult onset eczema, you can access my free e-course here at I have seen several people achieve control over their eczema condition as a result of following my advice. I have also over come the condition myself. My objective is to provide a resourse where persons with eczema can go to get relevant information to help them control or eliminate eczema.

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Atopic Dermatitis - What Do You Know About It?

Atopic dermatitis is a type of eczema where the skin reacts easily and abnormally to environmental allergens, irritants and foods. It occurs mainly in children and is unlikely to occur in anyone over the age of 30. The skin becomes red flaky and itchy; and is more susceptible to bacterial infection.

This type of eczema can occur on any area of the body. However, the most commonly affected areas are the hands, feet, ankles, wrist, face, neck, and upper chest. It may also occur on the skin around the eyes and on the eyelids.

The symptoms of the skin condition may be made worse by superficial infection, dry skin, low humidity, dust, sand, and cigarette smoke and sweating. Other factors which may make atopic dermatitis worse are solvents, cleaners, detergents and wool fabrics. Long hot baths and showers may also make the condition worse.

The Symptoms of atopic dermatitis vary from mild to severe. It usually starts off as a red inflamed itchy rash that may quickly develop into raised painful bumps. These bumps may ooze and crust if scratched. In some persons the rash remains flat and may go on to develop a brownish discoloration. The itch becomes more intense at nights, and is made worse by scratching. When atopic dermatitis occurs around the eyes, scratching may cause loss of eyebrow hair and eye lashes.

There are many theories as to the causes of atopic eczema.

It is believed that some people have a genetic disposition to developing the condition. Researchers have found that the condition is more common in identical twins, than other family members. It is also felt that the condition is primarily triggered by contact with or ingestion of allergens. Other factors which affect the immune system such as stress and tiredness also play a part.

This type of eczema is commonly found in children with food allergies. The most common foods are peanuts, shellfish, fish, milk, wheat, soy, corn and eggs. Some persons develop atopic eczema when they eat food containing histamines. Histamines play a role in the allergic reaction process. Foods high in histamine are cheeses, sausages, tomatoes, spinach and eggplant. Fish and shellfish may also contain histamine.

The treatment of atopic dermatitis hinges around discovering what triggers allergic reactions and avoiding them. It has been observed that infants who breast feed for longer are less likely to suffer from atopic dermatitis. Avoiding the foods mentioned above may also be helpful.

Keeping the environment free of dust and pet furs is also helpful in preventing atopic dermatitis. Avoiding the use of irritating cleansers and detergents in the environment is also helpful. Avoid extremes of temperature, since both excessive heat and cold are know to trigger flare ups of atopic dermatitis.

Keep the skin moist by remaining hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.

Avoid hot water baths, and apply moisturizer to the skin immediately after baths to help lock in moisture.

And if you want to find out more about atopic eczema, you can access my free e-course on controlling eczema at I have several years experience in helping people control eczema, and have gotten rid of my own eczema condition.

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How Does Being Eczema-Free Sound?

Have you ever been stressed at work, school or even at home? Bet all of us have and sometimes we are physically and mentally affected. When that happens, we may feel fatigued and our skin also acts up. Acne breakouts occur because of clogged pores. But this is not the only thing we should be concerned about. When you have red, inflamed and itchy skin, it's advisable to consult a doctor as you might have eczema.

Eczema, an inflammation of the skin with itching and discharge is one of the most common skin complaints. It comes in various forms, with atopic eczema being the most common and severe. There is no known cause for eczema, but doctors believe that skin allergies and the way a person's immune system reacts to things may play a part in its formation. There is also no known cure for eczema. Despite that, eczema can be kept under control with natural eczema treatment and other forms of treatment. Natural eczema treatment is very suitable for those who wish to try methods other than just using topical treatment such as creams and ointments or oral consumption of anti-eczema medication.

Eczema is not contagious but it has been scientifically proven that some are more prone to this skin condition if their parents or family relatives also have eczema and allergies like hay fever or asthma. Some people who develop eczema are also allergic to cow's milk, soy, eggs, fish, wheat, animal dander, rough fabrics or dust.

There are many ways to manage the symptoms that may cause an eczema flare-up. For instance, using oil-free facial cleanser or soap substitute for facial eczema will keep facial skin from being irritated Hypoallergenic make-up and sunscreens will help those who love the outdoors and yet are restricted by their skin conditions.

Besides taking care of your skin, managing stress properly also helps. Severe stress can cause an eczema flare-up, which can affect any part of the body. However, the itchy patches are usually seen where the elbow bends, on the backs of the knees, ankles, wrists, face, neck and upper chest. If the eczema appears as round, coin-sized, red and scaly patches, it is most likely nummular eczema (discoid eczema), which is quite common among middle-aged men. In such cases, nummular eczema treatment in the form of topical steroids and emollients are used to soothe the redness and irritation.

A clean environment helps to reduce the possibility of an eczema flare-up. Create an eczema-friendly environment with airy, dust-free surroundings. Avoid having wooden furniture at home as they may breed dust-mites and other insects.

Furthermore, avoid items such as detergents, drying soaps, household cleaners and fragrant lotions as they may dry your skin. Keep your shower brief and shower with warm water. Pat-dry your skin gently and thoroughly thereafter. Do not rub the skin with a coarse towel as doing so will irritate the skin. Try not to wear clothes made from fabrics such as wool as they are scratchy and can aggravate the condition. Wear clothes made from cotton instead. Scratching the skin is strictly a no-no as it worsens the eczema and can result in bacterial infections. Rub gently with creams or use other forms of topical treatment if you start feeling the itch.

Although there is no cure for eczema, you can certainly keep eczema at bay with the appropriate treatment and diet. Unwind whenever you are stressed and start feeling the itch. Here's to an eczema-free lifestyle!

Need more information on eczema diet? Visit my eczema diet website today!

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What Is The Best Psoriasis Treatment?

There are a number of different home remedies for psoriasis that may prove beneficial in helping you manage this problematic skin condition. The irritation that this condition causes can be quite frustrating and can affect your quality of life. Dealing with these problems may be as simple as implementing a few lifestyle changes.

Soaking in the tub can help rehydrate the skin and remove some of the scales without damaging the skin. Epson salts can be added to the bath if you wish, as this product has been proven to bring some relief. Soaking can also reduce some of the itching and redness that is associated with psoriasis outbreaks. Though soaking is one of the best natural treatments for psoriasis, be careful not to overdo it. Bathing too frequently can strip off skin's natural oils and could make the problem worse.

It is important to moisturize the skin properly. Psoriasis relief will come in the form of thick, greasy and heavy lotions instead of lighter versions. The thicker, the better. These products will retain moisture in the skin and hold it there for a longer period of time. If you cannot afford these lotions, there are a number of basic home products that can be used as moisture based home remedies for psoriasis. These include items such as petroleum jelly, lard and various cooking oils.

If you live in a dry area, you may consider using humidifier at home. These are inexpensive and will keep the humidity levels higher within your space. The only maintenance that is required is to keep the device filled with water. To increase the benefits, place humidifier in the room that you spend the most time in. You can easily move it from room to room.

Oils such as vegetable, mineral and olive can be added to your bath water in order to reduce irritation. These oils can also be applied directly to the affected area and then apply plastic wrap on the skin in order to allow them to do their work. Wrapping a portion of your body in plastic wrap may sound silly, but many psoriasis suffers claim that this method is extremely helpful.

Aloe vera has also been shown effective in helping the skin to heal. Aloe gels can be purchased at many stores, but if you have an aloe plant, then you need not spend a dime to make use of this treatment. Simply split open one of the leaves and apply the gel directly to the affected areas.

Each of these home remedies for psoriasis may work better for some than others, depending on the severity of the condition. Though there is currently no known cure, there are indeed ways to find relief. These treatments, along with careful monitoring what products you use on your skin, may help lessen the aggravation and irritation that psoriasis can cause.

If you like this article written by Fong Toh Jeng, please visit to get more information regarding psoriasis and its treatments.

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10 Foods to Avoid With Eczema

There are some foods to avoid with eczema, and this is at all cost. If you want to prevent the condition or just try to avoid worsening it, you have to learn what not to include in your diet. The world is full with millions of different types of food, but certain medical conditions like eczema would narrow down those that you should eat.

It's common knowledge that a person's diet plays a role in the overall health of that person. You are what you eat, and what you eat every day could definitely define the kind of life that you'd be leading years from now. If you want to prevent eczema, you need to make sure that you do not eat the worst triggers of the disease. And so without further ado, here are the 10 foods to avoid with eczema:

1. A fruit that has a high acidic content is a no-no when it comes to preventing the skin disease. Studies have confirmed that citrus acids are triggers of the disease, and are one of the worst ones at that. There is such a thing as too much fruit especially to eczema sufferers, and these people could have bouts of eczema from eating even the smallest amounts of citric acid. Strawberries, blueberries, lemons, tomatoes, prunes and plums should be avoided.

2. Certain herbs should be avoided too. Many herbs have sweating and faster heart rates as side effects, and both of these aren't good for people with eczema. Specifically, try to avoid herbs that are considered as aphrodisiacs. Ginseng and yohimbe are good examples of these herbs to avoid.

3. Milk, cheese, butter and all other dairy products could trigger eczema, as studies have confirmed. Those who are allergic to dairy products, especially cow's milk, have higher chances of being prone to eczema too. Lactose intolerance is also a likely culprit. However, you might want to make sure that it is healthy for you to not take anything dairy, as they are the most common sources of vitamin D and calcium. Talk to your doctor about dairy intake and eczema, and find out if there are other alternatives.

4. Acidic fruits aren't the only kind of fruits to avoid. Did you know that a fresh fruit could trigger allergies, which could then lead to a bout of eczema? It isn't too rare for someone to experience eczema symptoms after the consumption of a fresh fruit, and the main reason behind this is in fact the pollens from the fruit. Pollens are allergens and they could affect more people than you might think.

5. Refined carbohydrates increase blood sugar. This means that the blood would have fewer places for nutrients. Taking excessively sweet foods increase eczema symptoms. Examples of these foods are maple syrup, pasta, jam, cakes, and many others. It is recommended that people prepare these things at home. Better yet, replace them with healthier foods such as vegetables and fruits.

6. Allergens are most likely causes of eczema. Whatever might cause an allergic reaction might cause or aggravate eczema too. This means that nuts should be one of the 10 foods to avoid with eczema. Nut allergy is one of the most common allergies in the world, and it affects millions of Americans. Though children could be born with it, around 20% of them would outgrow the allergy and it wouldn't have any effect on them for life. However, nut allergy is also considered a very serious allergy, since it is one of the most common allergies to cause death all over the world. Tree nuts such as almonds and hazelnuts are to be avoided.

7. Wheat bread isn't good for a person with eczema, because wheat is actually a rare allergen. As by-products of wheat can easily become airborne, they could easily be ingested as well as inhaled. Look at the ingredients and the contents of a food product before buying it.

8. Food preservatives can worsen eczema. This means that you might want to stay away from processed and prepackaged food products. Benzoates, glutamates, sulfites, chemical additives and food coloring are triggers of eczema. It would be very difficult to avoid these food additives, and preparing food at home can help you avoid these triggers. Look for alternatives for better taste on your foods.

9. Some of the 10 foods to avoid with eczema are those with saturated fats. These fats could increase cholesterol and blood pressure. Having higher heart rates isn't good for a person suffering from eczema, and the substance itself promotes the scaling and the inflammation of the already affected patches of skin. Animal meats are sources of these saturated fats, and some of these meats are also processed, which gives you all the more reason to avoid them. Bacons, hotdogs and sausages are known to have high saturated fat content, along with healthy servings of food preservatives.

10. Because some people are highly allergic to seafood, it is highly recommended that it should be avoided too. Shellfishes like crabs, shrimps and lobsters are known to induce swelling in the mouth and throat, the inability or the lessened ability to breathe, as well as minor to major skin irritations and inflammations.

Eczema is a skin condition characterized by itchy rashes that look like thick scales. There could be pain when the rashes turn into crusting and oozing blisters. It can cause pain in mild cases, but severe cases would be painful and severely discomforting. Curing it could be simple, but it has been said, time and time again, that preventing something is always better than curing it. The most common type of eczema is atopic eczema, and it is a chronic disease that might relapse for a long time, only to flare-up again at the slightest irritant or trigger. Because of this, there are certain foods that an eczema-prone person should avoid. These 10 foods to avoid with eczema should be avoided no matter what, as they are known to set off discomforting, dangerous and deadly allergic attacks.

Amrita Chakraborty
Eczema Diet

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3 Best Cradle Cap Treatments

If your baby has cradle cap, check this article for the best cradle cap treatment that you can easily do and is guaranteed to be effective. But before we delve deeper into this subject matter, we must first discover the definition and causes.

Cradle cap is a skin disorder that occurs in infants or babies commonly at the age of 3 months. It is characterized by flaky, yellowish, greasy, and crusty rashes that usually affects the scalp of the baby. Other parts of the body that are affected by this condition are armpits, ears and the neck. If your baby suddenly develop this condition, do not worry, because it is not serious and is not contagious. It will eventually go away in a couple of days or weeks. But there are instances that even toddlers, adolescents, and adults develop cradle cap. This adult version of disease is known as seborrheic dermatitis.

The root cause of the disease is still unknown but experts says that one major cause is the over activity of the oil glands of the baby. The over activity of this gland is because of the fact that when a baby is born, there is a hormonal change that is happening because the body of the baby is not yet familiar to the environments outside the womb of the mother. This causes hormonal imbalances, but you do not have to worry because as soon as the infant's body fully adapts to the outside environment, cradle cap will go away on their own. Some doctors say that this condition is a type of fungal infection. This can be sometimes attributed to antibiotics that the mother took just after her delivery.

Here are the 3 best cradle cap treatments that is proven effective:

1. Shampoo is one of the common treatments. Regular baby shampoos can do the trick, but in case regular shampoos don't work, there are medicated shampoos that is specially formulated to treat the condition. Just be sure to consult your pediatrician before using any kinds of medicated shampoos.

2. Oils. This is one of the most common treatment that many mothers use for their babies. Remember that studies shows that disease does not cause any discomfort to the child, but instead, the mother is the one that is stressed out when her child develops cradle cap. Using baby oils, olive oils, and lotions are good treatments for this disease no matter what age your baby is

3. Home remedies. Other mother uses chamomile, tea, and burdock root to treat. Although there is no scientific research to back this treatments, many mothers are saying that these are effective.

So there you have it, if your baby has cradle cap, you can try these treatments that is proven effective by many people and experts alike. Just be sure that if you have any doubts in trying these treatments, you can always consult a pediatrician to assess the condition of your baby. You can try one treatment that is listed here and if it does not work, you can try other treatments listed here.

Top Cradle Cap Treatment For Your Children. Also Learn The Secrets where to get The Best Cradle Cap Treatment and How?

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5 Natural Ways to Prevent the Eczema Condition

If you have the unforgiving itch of eczema, you certainly want and need relief. With the eczema condition, the over-the-counter type treatments and prescribed products are usually the norm. The effectiveness of these products may or may not work, but don't forget about the natural ways and methods as these are a lot more effective a lot of times. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to fight this condition and below are 5 great preventive and quality ways to do so.

Natural Way to Prevent Eczema #1 - Bathe Correctly

Correctly bathing and showering is a great measure to prevent future flare-ups. Most physicians recommend taking short baths and showers. Warm water, not to hot or cold is advisable, and the use of bubble bath or perfumed substances is not advised as well. Sufferers of this condition should avoid scented cleansers and the like such as shampoos, conditioners, and soaps also. This is where natural and organic products are great to use. Immediately following a bath or shower, always use some form of non-allergic lotion and or cream applied to the skin to help preserve much needed moisture.

Natural Way to Prevent Eczema #2 - Drink lots of Water

The aforementioned bath and or shower gives benefit to those who use them correctly. The big thing is to take advantage of the lotions and creams for what they do best. In order to moisturize from the outside that is fine, but what about the inside too. The best and only way for this is to drink lots of water. Not only is it healthy anyway but to some degree it helps keep your skin healthier because your body stays hydrated.

Natural Way to Prevent Eczema Itch #3 - Take Anti-Itch Oatmeal Baths

Above it explains the benefits of a bath and shower. Here is a slight alternative to the regular bath add oatmeal for the itching. Oatmeal seems to calm the itch and helps eczema sufferers cope. There are many places to acquire an oatmeal bath product, but many people make their own mixture. Even oatmeal from a supermarket will do. Basically you can add 2 or 3 cups to a full bath; many say this does help the itching.

Natural Way to Prevent Eczema With Diet #4 - Watch What You Eat

They say you are what you eat, so watch what you eat to help with eczema. For some, there may be some problems with this treatment procedure as they may have some type of food related allergy.

Typically with eczema sufferers there may be certain foods that trigger a flare-up and some of them are healthier food items for most. For example, some fruits are very helpful for things such as premature aging, but those same fruits can be a cause of eczema problems, depending on what they are such as seeded or not.

Keeping a daily journal of what you drink and eat could be beneficial for many reasons. It will tell you what exactly may be the culprit to your flare-ups. If a pattern shows, than you can easily avoid future problems with the culprit.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #5 - Use All Natural Supplements to Prevent Eczema

The natural cures and treatments have come a long way and many are very good and beneficial to eczema sufferers. In fact, many are coming forward and recommending them by word of mouth. One should always research their treatment options and seek results oriented type treatments and products not just here say. Some examples are the multitude of uses for fish oil, vitamin E, and vitamin C, etc. Which by the way, not kidding are actually beneficial for helping eczema.

If you add supplements from any of these, just do it slowly and one at a time, this is how to find if it helps or not. Supplements can be purchased most anywhere, but come naturally in foods as well.

Research has shown that all-natural eczema treatments are a successful way to seek relief. You can learn more at Eczema Around Eyes Area, and continue your investigation into Eczema In Babies to learn more about eczema and it's trek in little ones to adulthood.

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Why You Need Amino Acids!

Are you dealing with skin problems such as psoriasis or premature aging skin? Would you believe that you're not the only one dealing with these issues?

Millions of people today are dealing with the effects of psoriasis, prematurely aging skin or countless other skin diseases like acne or dermatitis, whether they're living in the suburbs of the Midwest or up in the Hollywood Hills. Even megawatt stars have the skin care blues!

The worst part of this, however, is that very few dermatologists or skin care professionals know how to effectively deal with conditions such as psoriasis aside from costly treatments like skin cremes and UV light therapy. What does it say when a rich celebrity can go to the best dermatologist in Hollywood for solutions, only to be told that her condition is treatable, but not curable?

It's unacceptable, and frankly, ridiculous. Why doesn't anyone know that amino acids and healthy digestion are the keys to healthy skin?

As I detailed in a recent newsletter, there's a direct link between amino acids and your skin's health, one that gets little exposure. See, amino acids are the building blocks of a healthy body, fueling just about every single mental or physical function your body carries out. They're distributed and formed throughout the body when we digest protein. Sounds simple enough, right?

Here's the problem: many of us today have problems with digestion due to eating processed foods, taking antibiotics, prescriptions, and over-the-counter drugs, and from simply being stressed out trying to pay the bills and take care of our families. When that's the case, your body's not breaking down proteins as it should, and so you're not getting the amino acids you need. Furthermore, your immune system becomes compromised because you're not getting the vitamins, nutrients and minerals you need from the foods you eat that aren't being properly digested.

That's when your health starts going off track, and it's not long before it starts showing up on your skin!

I halt this problem dead in its tracks with a twice-daily tonic I concoct using my Pro-Amino-Otic and Pro-Daily-Otic (our fermented probiotic foods in powdered form), that I mix with our Pro-Belly-Otic, our liquid probiotic formula. They're full of the nutrients, vitamins and amino acids your body needs, and because they're fermented and pre-digested, they're easily absorbable by your body, no matter what condition your digestion is in.

Taken together or alone, Pro-Daily-Otic and Pro-Amino-Otic restore and regulate my digestive functions and make sure I receive all of the amino acids I need. They also feed my muscles and help me to detoxify. Doing this is the best way I know how to make sure I'm feeding my skin what it needs to stay glowing and healthy. Tending to my digestive issues has been tremendous in ending my problems with acne, which I first started dealing with when I was 10 years old. I'm now 51, and my skin looks better today than it did when I was 30!

This alone will work wonders for you, but I still have a few more tips to share.

Every night, before I shower, I use a dry brush to clear my body (never my face) of the microscopic dead skin cells that accumulate on a daily basis. This allows my skin to breathe and get to work on producing new skin cells.

Once I've showered, I rub two tablespoons of pure raw organic coconut oil into my skin. Not only does it feel divine, it's perhaps the best natural anti-aging moisturizer you can use to keep your skin supple and young. (Again, this treatment is only for the body. It is not suitable for the delicate facial skin)

When I have a little more time to pamper myself, I make my own facial masks using various ingredients from my kitchen such as oatmeal, honey or avocado. However, there's a secret ingredient that I add that makes all the difference in the world.

My Pro-Belly-Otic is a tangy, refreshing probiotic drink that goes a long way in repairing your digestion by restoring the micro flora in your gut. However, it's fantastic on your skin as well. Once applied, the enzymes and amino acids it contains set to work on your skin helping to fend off the wrinkles that might be creeping up on you. A splash in the mix for your facial mask will do the trick!

There are many gorgeous women in show business, but if all of there money and ability to see the best doctors and go to the most exclusive spas is unable to prevent their skin issues, it's clear that there's something fundamentally wrong with how we address skin care today.

As your parents probably told you, beauty begins on the inside, and it's absolutely true in ways not even they knew. The solution is to pay better attention to what you're eating and how you're treating yourself. Our products are one easy way to ensure your skin and body are getting everything they need to stay healthy and strong. We have your Food to Glow On?.

The company's CEO and Founder Tamara Yapp, a mother of seven and wife, is the lively, relatable host of She created this company and this show to provide information on the newest and most effective ways to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Fighting Eczema With Nutrition

Eczema is formed from a group of non-contagious skin conditions and affects over 15 million people in the United States alone. About 10 to 20% of the world's population is affected by the most common form of eczema called a "topic dermatitis." Eczema is generally caused by an inflammatory response to substances that cause irritation to the skin. This is due to an abnormal response of the body's immune system causing some substances that come into contact with the skin like soaps, clothing, jewelry, cosmetics, lotions, and/or sweat to cause irritation. Other factors that cause eczema outbreaks include changes in temperature or humidity, psychological stress,and certain food allergens.

What foods can one eat to help alleviate symptoms of eczema? Fish, soybeans, walnuts, flax oil, and canola oil are all great foods for reducing the appearance eczema outbreaks. In one study, those who consumed fish at a young age were 24% less likely to develop eczema in childhood. With that fact in mind, this may be the single most important food to reducing the symptoms and development of eczema.

In addition to the foods mentioned, there are also supplements one can take that also help with eczema breakouts. Gamma - linolenic acid has been shown to decrease inflammation of the skin and is used in treating dermatitis in countries outside of the United States. Probiotics have a variety of good bacteria that not only help digestion and promote a healthy immune system, but have shown promise for reducing and even preventing eczema in children. Fish oils are proven to reduce inflammatory skin disorder symptoms as well and can be a great addition to one's diet.

Supplements can be purchased at one's local supplements store or online. Remember to buy supplements that are free of common allergies such as dairy, wheat, eggs, nuts, seafood, and artificial additives, preservatives, and food colorings.

Although there is no known cure for eczema, one can significantly decrease inflammation and irritation of the skin by just eating certain foods. In addition to changing one's diet, there are also hundreds of ointments and creams that are also shown to have positive benefits for treating eczema. Drugs and medications are another option that should be avoided at all costs, because of the potential side effects that may follow.

If problems with eczema continue regardless of what you put on your skin or how you changes diet, consult with a dermatologist to discuss what else can be done. When the proper steps are taken, eczema can be significantly reduced and even avoided.

Bart Waldon, ISSA Master Trainer, is the fitness director for and he invites you to use the world's most advanced online personal training program with his guidance and support.

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A Few Ways To Prevent Eczema Breakouts Naturally

Eczema is a condition that causes skin to become itchy, dry and red. It usually appears around the legs, face and arms, though it can appear other places as well. Infants and small children are the most affected, with incidence rates declining as they age. The exact cause of eczema has not been pinpointed. It does seem to run in families but environmental factors such as perfumes, food allergies, synthetic fabrics and harsh soaps can also trigger an outbreak.

There are different types of eczema, so you should find out which one you're dealing with before deciding on treatment. This article is focused on the most common type of eczema, which is also referred to as atopic dermatitis.

Here are some ways to prevent eczema breakouts naturally:

1) Do not scratch the itch!

I know this is easier said than done but that only makes it worse. Rashes won't appear or be as severe if you don't scratch it. Wear gloves or be fully dressed so your nails don't tear up your skin

2) Drink more water

This should be a surprise to no one because water is a miracle worker that can help nearly every disease. Your skin needs to be hydrated and it may help to flush out the toxins that could be causing the breakouts.

3) Use mild soaps or USDA certified organic skin care products

Many soaps and cosmetics irritate your skin because they contain many synthetic, toxic chemicals. Many creams and ointments and soaps contain artificial fragrances and toxic byproducts that will harm your skin.

Even if certain products work at first, your body may eventually build resistance to them. Also, the toxic substances will accumulate in the body and nasty side effects could occur later on. USDA certified organic products are the only way to make sure the ingredients are safe, unless you make it yourself.

4) Wear light-weight and loose-fitting clothes

Wool has been known to irritate the skin. Stick to organic cotton because it helps your body to breathe and captures excess moisture. Wearing looser clothes can stop your body from overheating and sweating, which will trigger a breakout. Use organic cotton gloves to stop your baby from scratching him/herself.

Other suggestions for preventing eczema breakouts include avoiding heat and sweating during breakouts, avoiding stressful situations, and washing new clothes before wearing them (use organic detergent).

Some natural treatments for eczema include digesting hemp oil and primrose oil, applying a salt-water compress (using natural unrefined salt, not table salt) and taking probiotics.

N. Curtis has written dozens of health articles and is the author of the Amazingly Informative and Extremely Entertaining Free Special Health Report "It's Your Body, You Can Die If You Want To!" Check it out now at

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What Is Nummular Eczema?

Nummular eczema is a rare type of eczema, which tends to occur mainly in older males. However, anyone can get this type of eczema. Other names for this type of eczema are discoid eczema. The name derives from the coin shaped nature of the lesions.

The rash of nummular eczema tends to be a round or oval, raised and red. It usually occurs on the legs or arms, but can occur any where on the body. It is unlikely to occur on the face and the scalp. The rash first appears as a few vesicles which then join together to form plaques. The rash itches intensely and may become open and infected as a result of scratching. It may then appear to have a yellow crust.

After a few days the rash becomes dry and scaly, they then flatten and may become hyper-pigmented. Sometimes the rash of discoid eczema may clear in the centre and resemble ring worm. The rash of psoriasis may sometimes be confused with that of nummular eczema. The scales of the rash of psoriasis are usually thicker and silver.

The cause of discoid eczema is unknown. However, the rash may appear after insect bites, abrasions or exposure to chemicals. The condition is more common in cold and dry weather and less so in warm and humid conditions.

The main aims of the treatment of nummular eczema are to hydrate the skin, reduce inflammation and treat infection. Persons with this skin rash should bathe in cool water with a non-soap based cleanser, and apply moisturiser to the skin immediately after. Inflammation may be reduced by using topical steroids or tar preparations. Infection may be treated with oral antibiotics. Antihistamines can be used to reduce itching and aid sleep.

The alternative way of approaching this skin condition, is by determining what any possible triggers may be. Once identified, try to work your lifestyle around them in a way that either eliminates them from your environment or greatly reduces your exposure to them.

Care of the skin is of utmost importance to prevent flare ups.

Hydrate, from the inside out by drinking lots of fluids. It may also be helpful to have a humidifier in the room especially during the winter months when the heating is on. Do not bathe more than once a day, and try to use natural moisturisers without perfume. Extra virgin coconut oil is a very effective moisturiser. Wear clothing loose so as not to irritate the skin.

And if you want to know more about nummular eczema you are free to access my free e-course by visiting my blog at I provide useful information on overcoming eczema. My name is Shelley and I have several years experience in helping others with eczema, and have overcome the condition myself.

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Creams for Eczema - An Indispensable Drug

The term eczema is used to describe a wide range of medical conditions which include the inflammation of the outer layer of the skin. The term is broadly used to refer to persistent skin conditions such as dry, reddened itchy skin, bleeding and oozing from infected areas as well as dry scaly skin formation. Severe cases of eczema may be treated with the use of corticosteroids. While it may bring about rapid improvement, as with steroids, there may be long lasting undesirable side- effects. Creams for eczema form an important part of its treatment procedure. The symptoms of eczema may vary from person to person, according to the specific type of eczema. Eczema sometimes can occur for a few hours and days due to some unwanted reaction but sometimes it can persist for a prolonged duration too in which case it is referred to as chronic dermatitis.

Contact eczema, seborhheic eczema, nummular eczema, neurodermatitis, statis dermatitis are the various types of eczema. In our goal to stop deterioration of eczema and improve the patient's condition it is always very important to keep the skin hydrated by the application of creams and ointments which have high oil and low water content. Avoid over bathing. It's important however to select the proper cream for eczema. There are creams which just prevent the skin from flaring up at frequent intervals while steroid creams and ointments which reduce inflammation and clear flare-ups of eczema. There are several brands of creams to choose from. Choice of cream for eczema depends on the severity of the disease, the dryness of the skin and the area affected. Herbal creams made from herbal extracts of chamomile, licorice, and witch hazels have been found to be useful as well. However before using herbal applications one should always consult a medical practitioner as it may cause allergic contact dermatitis. Several things have to be kept in mind before usage of any cream. Overdosage will not help as non- steroid creams contain no active medicines which pass through your skin. It is advisable to use the cream as soon as possible after a shower or a bath or even swimming.

In some cases of eczema, topical steroids (steroid creams and ointments) are also prescribed. Tacrolimus (probiotic) and pimecrolimus(elidel) are two topical cream medications approved by the government of the United States for patients over two years of age. These drugs belong to a class of immune suppressant drugs known as calcineurin inhibitors. Use of this may result in very rare cases of malignancy so it is advised that this should be used only as a substitute if all other medications fail. Patients with compromised immune systems are also advised against use of such drugs. There is also a form of treatment which involves a combination of steroid and non- steroid creams. For such cases, the normal cream should be applied and 10-15 minutes after the skin has absorbed it, the steroid cream is used. All said and done, creams for eczema definitely form a major portion of its treatment and it's proper choice and application will definitely give us relief and cure.

About the Author:

Robert Henry is connoisseur in the field of medication. He has been writing some amazing articles on oregano oil, symptoms and cures of the bladder infections. His knowledgeable articles have brought amazing changes in the lives of several individuals. This article is about Creams for eczema.

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Eczema in a Nutshell

Eczema is a common skin disease that can affect virtually anybody. The most common form of eczema is also known as Atopic Dermatitis. Children are likely to get eczema in their first year itself. Symptoms are usually dry and scaly skin patches on scalp, forehead and face. This can cause severe itchiness, loss of sleep and other infections of skin. This type of eczema in children is difficult to eradicate. So, proper skin care must be taken at an early stage.

How to recognize eczema?

Infants usually develop Eczema in their first year of life. Itchiness starts from 2-3 months of age. The skin becomes dry and flaky. Usually it occurs in cheek and scalp. Sometimes, small sores can be seen with secretions. Children usually rub their body parts against bed, which exposes them more to the risk of other skin of infections. Sometimes it is thought that the disease is caused from diaper infection, which is a misconception. Children from two years to teenagers usually experience rash and itching in elbows and knees. At this age, eczema symptoms are commonly visible on shoulder, heel, wrist and seat area. Sometimes, areas of temporary skin discoloration may appear. The affected skin area may become thickened due to excessive itching.

Almost in 90% of cases Atopic Dermatitis affects children. However, one can develop eczema at any stage of life. Regular signs such as skin rash, itching, flaky skin can be observed on shoulders, knees and elbows. Adults sometimes develop eczema around eyes that may become quite unsightly at times. Adults are also more prone to develop peeling and scaly skin than children. If someone suffers from Atopic Eczema for a long time, the area of skin may become black and thickened.

If someone had suffered from eczema in childhood, he or she may develop eczema again later on in life. Most of the times signs of eczema appear on hand. Usually the person grows up with dry or a very sensitive skin. Severe eczema in adolescence may also cause cataract in young adults.

What causes eczema?

The reasons of eczema are not yet fully known. Experts relate eczema to various genetic and environmental factors. Children who grow up in cleaner environment are more likely to catch eczema. Since these children have not been sufficiently exposed to the environment they don't develop immunity. Children born to women over thirty-five have greater chance to develop eczema. Eczema is also caused from Asthma and allergies. Eczema is also more visible in people in cities, may be due to pollution.

Facts about eczema
Eczema is non-contagious.Eczema is genetic.Baby girls suffer from eczema more than boys.Eczema is aggravated during winter.90% eczema sufferers are below the age of five years.

Eczema solution

Some specific types of food are known to trigger eczema. Dairy products, seafood, all types of nuts, coffee, soybean etc. can worsen eczema to a great extent. The allergy and eczema causing food items may vary greatly from person to person. Expert advice should be taken before changing diet plan to ensure proper nutrition.

Avoid itching of affected area. Apply commercially available moisturizers or home made pack to keep the skin moist all the time. Good antibiotic or anti allergic cream or lotion should be used. Seek expert opinion before using any medicinal product. Keep the infected area clean to avoid further infection.

Phototherapy has become very popular for eczema treatment now a days. It is also known as UV therapy. The affected area is exposed to controlled amount of UV rays for a limited time. Although UV therapy is known to cure eczema to a great extent, there are certain risks involved, too. UV ray has significant contribution to causes of skin cancer. It is also known to prematurely age the skin.

Some people try other natural therapies to cure eczema and are known to have satisfactory results using them. These mainly involve maintaining specific diet, usage of herbal items and home made remedies.

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What Are the Causes of Dyshidrotic Eczema?

Eczema and its other unique forms which include Dyshidrotic Eczema are now associated with many causes. Historically, dyshidrosis was thought to be caused by bouts with sweating, however, many modern cases do not have any history of abnormal sweat patterns. Although excessive sweating is no longer seen as a major cause for the condition, it's been noted to irritate vesicles across the feet or hands, and cause vesicle eruption. One common factor between most skin disorders is that of stress or trauma. Stress and mental anguish can manifest itself in numerous forms including physically on ones uppermost layer of skin. Further stress may easily exacerbate the illness to develop more severe symptoms. There has been evidence suggesting that Dyshidrotic Eczema may perhaps be the effect of genetic predisposition based in the very DNA of a patient. Certain metals e. g. cobalt and nickel, along with other chemical substances have been shown to begin instances of intense dyshidrosis pompholyx in patients. These substances are commonly contained in faux jewelry and work or recreational environments. Many patients enduring dyshidrotic eczema have cited that violent outbreaks of the condition surface after their skin has been subjected to chlorinated pool water, another irritant being fluoride filled city water. Eczema itself has become noted to be triggered by certain antibacterial soaps, perfumes and colognes, along with skin exposure to freshly sliced meat or juices.

Fungal infections eg tinea pedis or "Athletes Foot" is usually linked to dyshidrotic eczema to a greater extent. Damp skin could even trigger or even worsen the illness or produce instances of it, certain fabrics serve to dampen your skin more and should be avoided for example, nylon, wool, together with other synthetic fabrics. As a result of skin desiring to "breath" skin tapes, bandages, and also plasters really should be avoided. Balsam of Peru seems to remain an irritant shared by many sufferers of dyshidrotic eczema. Habits most notably smoking and excessive coffee abuse have also been found to enhance the seriousness of the condition.With all of these causes one cannot overlook the most obvious: Inheritance. In the event your family carries a history of past cases of eczema or atopic dermatitis then your probability of exhibiting indication of dyshidrotic eczema are greatly amplified.

Major Causes:
StressInheritance/DNA predispositionExposure to metals e. g. nickel and cobalt or other chemicalsFungal infections such as tinea pedisCommon skin irritants

Finally, if you are interested in Dyshidrotic Eczema treatment guides, please check out My Dyshidrotic Eczema at

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Eczema the Most Common Atopic Dermatitis

Eczema is a dreadful dermatological condition which can affect any part of the body. The various symptoms are skin blisters, red, brownish, oozing and scaly, which cause lot of itching. Atopic eczema is the most common condition, commonly known as atopic dermatitis, atopic means lining of the skin and dermatitis means inflammation of the skin. This condition does not even spare nose and lining of the lungs.

Atopic eczema is often a hereditary allergy which is passed from one generation to other. The other hereditary conditions which run into generations are hay fever, asthma, and sensitive skin. It is an established fact that atopic dermatitis is a family disease, if one person in the family gets it, chances are other family members (like father, aunts, brothers, sisters, mother and uncles) can also get affected.

Atopic dermatitis is very common condition in the world, in the United States alone 3% of the population gets affected and around 10% of the infants are victim of this condition across the world. This disease can affect any time in one's life span, but it very common in infants and young adults. It is commonly seen that 65% who suffer from atopic eczema get the symptoms even before their first birthday.

The common places affected are forehead, neck, arms, ears and lungs. It starts at one point of the body and rapidly spreads to the other parts. As such, there is no quick cure available, but there are certain treatment plans which can at least lessen the agony of the patient. If you consult a skin specialist or a doctor, the first advice will be drastic change in the lifestyle, though lifestyle may not be the primary reason of atopic eczema. In some cases lifestyle may contribute the flare up of the disease, which may worsen the situation by aggravating lesions and blisters which you may want to get rid of.

Normally a dermatologist or a doctor may ask for an allergy test to find the exact cause of the allergy, this will help to know your daily contacts with the allergens, which might be the big culprit of the disease. Some of the products, which might be the real culprits, are daily use items like detergents of scented crème, soaps and various lotions. The victim of atopic eczema will have a very dry skin; this can be due to disease or after affect of the eczema. The common blunders done by the patients is enhanced use of various crèmes and lotion, this is mostly seen in women patients.

The use of scented crèmes should normally be avoided and unscented crèmes can be an ideal choice. The scented creams often act as catalyst to trigger other allergies. The doctors often prescribe crèmes and lotion to provide relief from itching and burning, which also gives soothing effect to the patients. There are many treatment plans available over the counter at some medical stores, but some of the drugs prescribed in severe conditions are available only on doctor's prescriptions. It is always advisable to see the doctor or a dermatologist in the initial stage of the atopic eczema, the sooner it is treated, and the recovery will be faster. It is always essential to keep yourself free of tension and stress; as such conditions are also responsible for such conditions.

You must ensure to keep yourself away from those conditions which can trigger the disease like daily allergy causing agents. You must also establish the reason which causes such conditions, like avoiding detergents, soaps and other lotion and crèmes which are responsible for causing allergies. If any member of your family is suffering from atopic eczema, just ensure other family members do not get it. If any such conditions develop, just do not go for self medication; consult a good dermatologist or a doctor for proper treatment and diagnosis. Always remember prevention is better than cure, if you maintain a good bodily hygiene, chances are that you may never have to come across such a dreadful skin disorder. Always use unscented crèmes and lotion which normally do not contain ingredient which are harmful to the skin. A better lifestyle can save you from many diseases including atopic eczema.

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Treatments for Facial Eczema: 3 Oils That Clears Up Facial Eczema

What exactly is facial eczema? This eczema is an inflammation of the facial skin characterized by red flaky skin, dry itchy patches and sometimes with cracks and blisters. People are generally self-conscious about their face as it is that part of which is most delicate, and which represents more than 90% of the outer appearance of a person. To have a skin condition such as eczema especially on the face can have deleterious effect on ones life. Nobody wants to experience such uncomfortable and stressful moments when life is here to enjoy to the fullest. If you want to find out more about treatments for facial eczema, you're just a few sentences away.

What Causes Facial Eczema?

This disease can occur as a result of close contact or when the skin is exposed to harsh detergents, chemicals, latex, solvents, nickel or certain plants, (poison ivy, poison oak). As a result of this exposure the skin then reacts forming tiny blisters and bubbles. In severe cases, eczema can cause scaly, flaky and cracked skin those results in bleeding. Imagine this in the face, it is not only awful and disgusting but it can be very painful. In addition, if one has a family history of eczema, it can be hereditary. Other factors such as stress, pollution and allergies are also major contributors to facial eczema.

Who suffers from Facial Eczema?

Infants are more prone to this terrible illness and they normally exhibit symptoms such as rashes on the face, elbows and knees. Children and young adults normally experience mostly itching eczema rash on neck, hands inner and outer elbows, knees (front and behind) and ankles. In adults the most affected areas are the arms, hands, neck, and legs. However, Facial eczema is very rare in adults.

What are the Best Natural Treatments for Facial Eczema?

Some of the best natural treatments for facial eczema that one could employ are the use of specific oils such as:

• The coconut oil- aids in irritation and itching relief.

• Jojoba oil - very nutritious for the skin, also non-greasy.

• Olive oil and castor oil are known beneficial natural treatment to soothe and heal the skin.

It is essential to keep the skin hydrated at all times. cool environment is recommended, and drinking a lot of water to filter the body properly thus removing impurities. One must always keep in mind that the face is very sensitive and delicate therefore only the best natural treatments for must be applied.

Also, pay attention here because you are about to discover a proven and effective skin care secret that the big companies don't want you to find out about. This secret is the best treatment for eczema that will get your clear and beautiful skin in as little as 10 days. If you truly desire to have an eczema free skin that you will be proud of then I Strongly Urge You To Read The Next Page Now.

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Eczema Cures - Soothing the Pain and Aggravation Naturally

In truth, there are no eczema cures. Eczema is something you don't get rid of, but rather, something you learn to control. Can it be controlled? In all but the most severe cases, yes it can, and it can be controlled naturally.

There are plenty of things to do to avoid an outbreak of eczema - avoid your triggers, stay hydrated, eat the right foods, etc. - but what do you do when an outbreak occurs? How do you treat it? Outbreaks come with pain and itching and all kinds of aggravation - how do we relieve that?

The most common treatment given by doctors is steroid cream. It works, but it has some unwanted side effects and patients are generally advised not to use it long-term. So then, our next question is, what can we do to soothe the pain without causing more damage elsewhere? Are there natural eczema cures?

Controlling eczema outbreaks generally focuses on keeping the affected area moisturized to relieve the itchiness and the pain. Here are a few ideas for natural remedies:
Oatmeal Baths - blend about a cup of oatmeal until you have a very fine powder, then add this oatmeal powder to the bath and soak for 15 or 20 minutes. The oatmeal is really effective at protecting skin from irritants, and along with that, it has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe inflammation caused by your skin's reaction to allergens (remember that eczema is essentially an allergic reaction).
Virgin Coconut Oil - the natural oils found in virgin coconut oil have an excellent moisturizing effect, which makes it great for helping dry, itchy skin. Coconut oil is high in lauric and other fatty oils, and when applied over the affected areas of skin will help keep skin soft and smooth. Castor, grapeseed and avocado oil would help the skin heal faster as well, but it is the coconut oil that gets the best results for most people. Be sure to use the virgin variety, since the refinement process will destroy much of the oil's healing properties.
Pastes and Mudbaths - there are all kinds of pastes to make that will serve as eczema cures. Here's a few: mango: boil the pulp for about thirty minutes, let it cool, then apply it to the affected area to help soothe the skin. Along the same lines, mash up some papaya seeds and apply that paste to the affected area to help relieve the itchiness. Aloe vera is simple to prepare - simply crack open a leaf from an aloe vera plant and smear the juice on the affected skin. Great for soothing irritated skin. Nutmeg, made into a paste with a little water, is one more effective eczema remedy.

So that's a few things you can do that involve natural ingredients. All of these methods will indeed treat eczema, and though none of them will cure eczema, they will help you control the pain and itchiness that comes along with eczema outbreaks.

Nic Bloom researches and writes about a variety of health issues, and is passionate about leading a healthy, natural lifestyle. Read more of Nic's articles on these topics at

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Healing Eczema In a Natural Way

Eczema is a skin condition that is believed to be an autoimmune condition that arises when the immune system react against its own body components. This therefore means that the best way to heal eczema is to work on the immune system using various remedies that can help in removing the triggering agents as well as boosting the immune system. People who are suffering from this condition do itch a lot which cause significant inflammation on the skin. Treatment of the condition is focused on alleviating this symptom where by medications, moisturizers and a change in lifestyle behaviors are applied in the healing process. The healing remedy that is chosen is influenced by age, patient's health status and the severity of the condition.

Healing eczema using improved nutrition.

Nutrients that are known to boost the immune system are highly recommended when treating eczema. Foods rich in vitamins A and B are important in boosting the immune system which has shown to be effective in the treatment of eczema. Vitamin C is also an important vitamin that plays an essential role in the regulation of production of histamine which is useful in neutralizing various allergens which are known to trigger the occurrence of eczema. These vitamins can only be made available in the body through the intake of food stuffs that are rich sources of the vitamins since they are not stored in the body.

Healing eczema using skin ointments

Keeping the skin moist is a key step in healing eczema. Various creams are available for application on the skin to help it remain hydrated. Petrolatum-based creams can be applied immediately after having a bath to seal the moisture on the skin before it dries up. Creams that are made of anti-inflammatory agents such as corticosteroids are also recommended to help in reducing skin inflammations that are caused by eczema.

Healing eczema using natural products

There are a number of products that are obtained from naturally occurring products that are used to heal eczema. These products include gamma-linolenic acid which has shown effectiveness in reducing skin inflammation and dryness that is associated with eczema. This product is obtained from primrose oil, borage oil or currant seed oil. The other natural product is the Oregon grape which is a herb that has been used for decades to heal skin related inflammations. A number of herbs, oils and beeswax can be mixed together to produce a cream that helps in soothing and moisturizing rough skin.

Healing eczema through behavioral changes

Adjusting some personal behaviors can help greatly in healing eczema. Stress is one factor that is known to trigger eczema. Proper stress management through regular exercises, talk therapy, meditation and yoga can save one from suffering from eczema. Various forms of allergens have also been identified as eczema triggers. It is therefore important for a person to identify these types of allergens and try to avoid them as much as possible. It is also advisable to keep the hands dry and if possible put on protective gloves that can protect one from irritants that can trigger eczema.

Healing eczema requires a proper understanding of the triggering agent since the condition is believed to be caused by certain skin irritating agents. Eczema is likened to allergy and it flairs up when a person is exposed to allergens, irritants and emotional stress. These factors cause inflammation on the skin that is characteristic of eczema.

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Do Not Scratch

Eczema is a painful skin condition which causes swelling, bleeding and possibly scarring of the skin.

Patients will often find themselves scratching uncontrollably, producing bleeding and oozing. The scratching will also lead to scars, and soreness that extends the painful condition even longer.

Because there is no known cure for patients who suffer from eczema there is little relief from the symptoms. The condition of eczema is painful and embarrassing, especially when the outbreaks occur on a patient's face or someplace exposed. In these cases, especially for eczema outbreaks on the face the patient may spend hours trying to cover up their swollen, painful outbreaks in any way possible.

Stopping eczema itching on the face is possible, although treatments vary by degrees. The first step is always to control your diet. What you eat has a very big effect on your health, especially the health of your skin. Avoiding soft drinks, sugary snacks and junk food of any sort might help reduce the eczema outbreaks on your face.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has been shown to help improve the health of your skin so you might also consider increasing your intake of vitamin E either by eating foods high in vitamin E or by taking a vitamin E supplement.

The best way to avoid a serious eczema outbreak on your face is to take action as soon as you feel an outbreak coming on. Consider using a vitamin E topical cream on the area where the outbreak seems to be coming. The sooner you can begin treating the affected area the shorter its duration will likely be.

To stop eczema itching on your face you need to treat the affected area immediately. Many doctors will prescribe a cream or ointment with cortisone in it to help relieve the itching. Cortisone will help relieve the itching temporarily but some patients report it often leads to more outbreaks or even worse outbreaks in the future.

Eczema itching on your face is not only uncomfortable but it is also embarrassing No one wants to be seen in public with a swollen, bleeding or cracked face. This is not good for your self-esteem and not good if your job is dealing with the public on a regular basis. You want to stop the eczema itching on your face as soon as possible and find a way to clear up the eczema outbreak.

Identify the Triggers

You might also consider finding the identifying triggers for eczema outbreak. Doctors are unsure of the exact cause of eczema but they are fairly confident that eczema outbreaks are triggered by something in your system or in your environment. If you can identify the foods that you eat just prior to an eczema outbreak and avoid those foods you might be able to beat the eczema itching on your face by keeping it from starting in the first place.

If you do suffer an eczema outbreak on your face and the itching is unbearable, talk to your doctor about a cortisone treatment that can at least help you cope with the symptoms.

If your one of the victims of this terrible h condition and you want to get rid of it in record time, visit to restore your clean, clear and beautiful skin in as little as 10 days. If you want to truly get rid of eczema forever I strongly recommend

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Dealing With Eczema Conditions

For patients suffering eczema the outbreaks are painful, embarrassing and often lead to other problems, like scarring or soreness.

There is so far no known cure for eczema and treatments vary, but there are steps an eczema sufferer can take to help them avoid outbreaks and keep what outbreaks they do have from spreading.

Eczema patients suffer swollen and cracked skin and uncontrollable itching which often leads to oozing or bleeding and later, scarring.

Many physicians believe eczema is caused by an overreaction of the immune system. The body is actually working against itself in response to either an external or internal stimuli.

For patients who suffer from regular outbreaks of eczema controlling and preventing those outbreaks, and keeping outbreaks from spreading is what they want most of all.

Unbearable Itching

When it comes to itching, doctors will usually prescribe a cortisone cream to help relieve the symptoms. The cortisone will relieve the itching but it is not treating the underlying cause or keeping the eczema from spreading to other areas.

Patients should try to identify the triggers in their environment which bring on the eczema outbreaks. It is likely something they are eating or drinking is causing the outbreaks to start and will cause them to spread to other areas of their body. Many eczema sufferers report their symptoms and outbreaks are reduced when they avoid sugary sweets, soft drinks and junk food. Eating a healthy diet, with foods high in vitamin E can help prevent outbreaks and lessen their effect when they do come. Vitamin E is known to help improve the health of your skin. Healthy skin can help you avoid eczema or reduce the severity of eczema outbreaks.

Some patients report that a topical cream high in vitamin E is a good choice for applying to the eczema outbreak. Applying the vitamin E topical supplement directly to the skin in the areas surrounding the outbreak is also said to help keep the eczema outbreak from spreading.

It is also a good idea to keep your skin clean and dry and avoid anything which might aggravate your condition.

Cause and Cure

Although there is no direct cause of eczema and no cure for the outbreaks you can adequately treat the affected areas, helping to avoid the most serious symptoms and the possibility of the eczema outbreak spreading to an unaffected area.

When it comes to eczema, understanding what your specific triggers are--what foods you eat or environments you enter which cause the worst outbreaks is the first step to avoiding serious outbreaks. These steps can also help you keep an eczema outbreak from spreading and or becoming worse.

Eczema outbreaks, once they appear, can often take weeks or even months to clear up. Do your best to avoid scratching the inflamed skin because this can make the condition worse. If the itching is too unbearable contact your doctor and ask them what treatments they can prescribe to help you endure the worst of it and get you through until the outbreak clears up.

Pay special attention here, because you are about to discover a proven and effective skin care secret that the big companies don't want you to find out about. This secret is the best treatment for eczema that will get your clear and beautiful skin in as little as 10 days. If you truly desire to have an eczema free skin that you will be proud of then I Strongly Urge You To Read The Next Page Now.

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Managing Stress Levels Is An Important Psoriasis Treatment

This currently incurable chronic skin results from abnormal cell production that causes skin to regenerate at the excessively faster rate of three to four days and not the usual 28 to 35 day period which leads to skin cells piling up on top of each other resulting in thick skin plaques. The exact cause for this condition remains unknown however, there are many triggers for this condition including stress. Proper stress management is one of the most important home remedies for psoriasis.

Impact Of Stress On Health

Various situations can lead to an increase in stress. Stress can result from problems dealing with work situations or the demands of a job, money worries, worries about children or parents, social problems, emotional issues, etc. When stress is not properly managed with effective tools and resources and remains over a prolonged period, it can impact a person's health negatively.

Stress can be detrimental to the body's major systems such as the heart. When under a lot of stress, an individual can report having an increased heart rate which can elevate blood pressure as well. If this impact on the heart is prolonged, it can lead to various heart problems including cardiac arrest, stroke and high blood pressure.

Other areas of the body that can be impacted include the digestive system and individuals under stress can start to experience constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, ulcers, dry mouth and throat, etc. In addition, insomnia can become an issue, or other sleeping problems. There may be tightness in the jaw, neck, chest as well as the muscles in the back.

Stress over a prolonged period of time can also affect the skin and not only lead to psoriasis flare-ups but can also lead to eczema and acne through the overproduction of adrenaline and testosterone which negatively impacts the skin. Adult acne especially in women has its roots in the level of stress and individual is under.

Stress can also lead to emotional eating which usually involves the consumption of excessive amounts of bad calories that also impacts the health when problems with obesity become an issue. Other bad behaviors that can be the result of being under a lot of stress include aggressive behavior, alcohol consumption, increased smoking habits, drug use, etc. As you can see, stress can lead to a vicious cycle that can be hard to break to the detriment of ones health is more ways than one.

Stress Management Is One of The Most Important Home Remedies For Psoriasis

Once you have determined that stress is a major trigger for your psoriasis flare-ups, you will find that there are ways that you can reduce or eliminate stress. In order to reduce stress, you will need to recognize that every one deals with stress to some extent and you just need to learn to relax. In order to reduce stress;

Start with physical exercise. Exercise has important stress reduction properties that will not only help you reduce stress but eliminate it as well. You can start as simply as taking a walk around the block. Yoga, reflexology, rollerblading, etc, are all great ways to reduce stress.
Relax by implementing meditation, various breathing exercises, music therapy, etc, in order to relax your body and your mind. Aromatherapy is also one of the best home remedies for psoriasis using various essential oils that contain relaxing properties such as lavender essential oil, German chamomile essential oil, etc. An aromatherapy bath using a few drops of relaxing essential oils is a great way to relax at the end of the day and keep stress at bay.
Herbal teas and supplements are also a great way to help you relax.
Massage can also be very relaxing and help to eradicate stress. Using various relaxing and healing essential oils for massage can be an effective way with which to combat stress and is one of the best home remedies for psoriasis which will prevent psoriasis flare-ups.

These are only a few home remedies for psoriasis with which to combat psoriasis flare-ups resulting from stress. While dealing with psoriasis can be difficult, there are effective tools and techniques that you can implement to deal with psoriasis and knowing how to effectively manage stress is one of the best ways to do so. For more information, visit

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Itchy Rash on Neck - Eczema or Psoriasis?

Itchy rashes on the neck may develop due to several reasons. They may be caused by an allergic reaction to food or hair dye, an insect bite, sunburn, or even acne. However, it may also be a symptom of skin disorders such as psoriasis or eczema. Millions of people in the United States suffer from these two conditions, which both cause an itchy and uncomfortable rash that does not seem to go away.

Both eczema and psoriasis may cause red, itchy, and scaly skin rashes. Although they are quite similar, their symptoms are usually different enough so your doctor can easily tell them apart even without diagnostic testing. To find out what kind of treatment or medication you need, you have to know the difference between these two conditions.

Eczema - causes and symptoms

Eczema, also known as dermatitis, commonly appears during early childhood or infancy. Irritant contact dermatitis, the most widespread type of eczema, usually develops when your skin becomes inflamed due to exposure to acids, soaps, detergents, and harsh chemicals. On the other hand, allergic contact dermatitis may occur if you have developed sensitivity to a substance such as metal and certain fragrances.

The common symptoms of eczema include red, itchy skin as well as tiny red bumps that feel rough when touched. Burning sensations and pain are also associated to both irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. If you are suffering from the former, you may continue to experience itching and pain until you have discovered the cause and learned how to avoid it.

Psoriasis - causes and symptoms

Psoriasis is different from eczema because it is an inflammatory condition that is related to internal rather than external causes. The small percentage of patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis may also experience widespread pain in the joints. Its common symptoms include visible patches of indented red skin, bleeding or weeping when the scale crust is removed, and a thick coating of silvery scales.

Psoriasis is caused by internal inflammation but it may still be aggravated by external factors. Dyes, perfumes, and extreme heat or cold are only some of the factors that may worsen its symptoms. Constant scratching of the inflamed areas may also stimulate the growth of the silvery scales on the rash and make things much worse for the sufferer.

Now that you already know the difference between psoriasis and eczema, it will be easier for you to determine what type of treatment you need. The next time you experience itchy rashes on your neck, hands, or feet, you have to diagnose your condition before resorting to medicated baths, topical creams, or UV light treatments.

To find out more about skin conditions that cause skin rashes and itchy red bumps on skin, read this article on eczema vs psoriasis, and on itchy rash on neck.

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Neurodermitis: My Personal Experience of Recovery

In this article I want to explain to you my personal experience of how I recovered from Neurodermitis

In the end when the pain became too strong to handle I gave up the fight and discovered how I myself had created the whole drama in the first place. With that knowledge I was able to get rid of all my symptoms within a very short time (less than 2 weeks). A miracle for the people in my life, for me a logical result of the steps I have taken to eliminate the cause of Neurodermitis and all the various symptoms.

Maybe I can inspire you to at least try for yourself what I have found.

My Neurodermitis experience started with a small dry spot

It started on my right foot, the skin became very dry and after a week the skin was very damaged and opened up and began to bleed. I didn't take it very serious and went to a dermatologist who gave me cortisone for treatment. This worked for a few weeks until the same symptoms started on my left foot as well. For the next few month the symptoms grew continually until I was forced to take a closer look to have a solution. Even though still in the beginning the symptoms kept me from dressing normally, wearing shoes was very uncomfortable and the whole issue needed constant attention.

There is no cure

I went to see more doctors and researched on the internet to find a solution with no success. What I was looking for, was a cure and not some creme, oil or drug to suppress the symptoms. No I wanted my health back. It took me 6 month to see very clearly that no cure is available and decided to come up with a way to help myself. I attended many seminars, even though none of them gave me the insights that helped me get rid of the symptoms, the combined effort led me in the right direction.

Treating the symptoms only helped for a while

For the next 6 month, I focused on all the different ways to treat the symptoms to feel better and have a more manageable situation. All of those different options did help me for a while until the Neurodermitis symptoms became worse and needed stronger and new ways to treat the symptoms. So it was always a temporary solution for me. When the symptoms reached its maximum effect the only remedy that helped me was Linola Oil which kept the skin moist and flexible and gave me some relief.

My skin would become extremely dry and swollen, especially behind my knees, elbows and on my hands the skin became so dry that it opened up and started bleeding. Many times a day I would all of a sudden feel an enormous itch on my skin which would cause me to attack those areas by scratching until the painful itch was gone. The resulting pain was by far more comfortable than having to deal with the itching itself. At times the scratching effort was so strong that I would get sore muscles from the effort. No matter what I tried to keep me from attacking myself failed, the forces inside myself took over and I was completely powerless over the itching-scratching habit.

The main problem in having Neurodermitis is the itch-scratch cycle

Besides having all the various pains in my body the real problem was how I felt about myself. I felt very guilty for not being able to work, especially since I used to define myself by what I was doing. I also felt very insecure about the visual aspect of my skin and started to isolate myself from the world so that nobody would see my skin. Many of my friends were indeed scared when they saw what was going on.

In my opinion, the mental aspect of having to deal with Neurodermitis is as painful, frustrating and difficult as the physical pain, and in my experience, it creates a vicious cycle that makes it a progressive disease. The frustration and constant thinking about the problem creates the skin to react even more strongly creating even more impact on the psyche and so on, a never ending cycle.

There are many theories about what is causing Neurodermitis

There are many theories behind the causes of Neurodermitis and I systematically adressed those where its possible. The ones which can be influenced by anybody are: Food, allergic reactions, climate, sunlight, exposure to water. Then there are the ones which seem to be predetermined such as genes and family background. Those cannot be changed, even though I now have a different opinion on those. In my opinion, it's a waste of time to even think about it since there is nothing that can be done about it.

In my personal experience it all comes from our thoughts and feelings

When the skin rush started and developed into Neurodermitis, I was going through a very difficult time in my life. I did not have the insights I have today and the knowledge how to deal with it. But it is very clear to me that the whole experience that lasted about 4 years was created by my own thinking and feelings. There is a reason why its called Neuro which stands for the nervous system (mind) and dermitis which stands for skin.

How can I be so sure? When I discovered the process of dealing with the feelings and with my thinking the result was immediate. The symptoms disappeared and my skin healed. I am very practical and to me the proof is always in the result.

Does it work for other people as well? Yes and it is my goal to give this knowledge to anybody who is looking for a solution. I will talk more about it in other parts of this blog. So let me continue to describe my experience of recovering from Neurodermitis.

At the peak of my pain and suffering, I realized, that my whole life was about my disease. I was thinking about it 24hours a day without any rest. I now realize, that subconsciously there was a benefit to it, I did not have to deal with the challenges I had in my life AND I had an excuse for it - Neurodermitis. In working with many people, I know that you have to be ready to make the change and that very often we say we want to get better without actually taking the steps necessary to make the change. And my case was the same, when I hit the bottom, I couldn't take the pain anymore and the solution presented itself very quickly.

When you are ready the solution will come

And I was ready after the pain became so big I couldn't take it any more. I realized that I was looking for a solution where it wasn't. When my problems started I had a lot of fear, frustration and unanswered questions about my career and my life in general. So the main issue was fear, and that fear feeling wasn't going away from cortisone, pills and ointments. This fear was growing and impacting my body. The fear is going hand in hand with the frustration of not being able to make a change. I was suppressing that fear and frustration creating the Neurodermitis symptoms which added even more stress to the already difficult situation. Since I am used to solve my problems with thinking I never stopped which made it even more difficult.

What I have learned is that all thinking, and especially, the negative thinking is being recorded in our mind, and the associated emotions are stored in our bodies. Every time we have a thought of stress, and we resist it that energy is being accumulated in our bodies. Thousand negative fear thoughts, about our future or about our health, are being accumulated in our bodies. All those seemingly unrelated thoughts become an even bigger thought that eventually go under our skin.

The way out

After I found out that I was able to undo the accumulated past thoughts of my whole life the Neurodermitis disappeared and never came back. I found a way of directly going into the "pockets" of suppressed thought energy from the past to kick them out of my body. The best thing about it was that the process is very fast and easy to learn and do. It was so very different from anything that I had ever experienced before and to my knowledge is very different any approach that is available today. So after finding how to rid myself of the suppressed stress and frustration I stopped itching about 4 days later and after another 10 days I looked like I never had Neurodermitis. I realize now, while writing about what happened in 2005 it just seems to easy, but thats what it is once the reason for the problem is resolved it JUST DISAPPEARS like it had never existed.

It is not necessary to understand how it works

To eliminate what is causing Neurodermitis it is absolutely NOT necessary to self analyze ones life or to understand what has happened in the past, that is in the domain of psychotherapy. The reality is very simple by just working with what is. No special skills or knowledge is necessary. Isn't it always the simple things that create the best results?

The proof is in the result

Since 2005 I have worked with hundreds of different people suffering from many different issues which come from the same effect caused by supressed emotions. Headaches, back pain, pain in general, slow healing wounds, asthma are all caused by the same effect and change within minutes of applying the process. In April this year I was hiking in sandals and hit my right toe badly on a rock, I sat down and worked on it for 5 minutes, the next day there was no swelling, no coloration and no pain left. The process is the same and the possible applications are many but I am now focussing on Neurodermitis first.

The question is, if you are ready? If you are ready please contact me to find out how you can get rid of Neurodermitis.

After 4 years of tremendous suffering from Neurodermitis, Guido found a way to cure himself without the use of medication or treatments. Since 2005, Guido has been teaching his findings to people all over the world. Apsolvo exists to give people who suffer from Neurodermitis an effective alternative to eliminate the cause of their Neurodermitis symptoms to permanently end their suffering.

Our website is

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How to Prevent Dyshidrotic Eczema

There is certainly multiple things that one could do to prevent eczema flare ups. The most effective cure for just about any disease, condition, or ailment is actually preventing it from the get go. This is true for Dyshidrotic Eczema too. With the nature of the condition, people suffering from this ought to allow their hands and feet to air out constantly, this might be helped by wearing fabrics like cotton socks that "breath" better. Another favorite fabric for this condition is silk. Faux jewelry should likewise be avoided simply because of the metals that compose the products. To defend against these same metals or chemicals, high quality gloves are recommended.

Simply avoiding certain situations and attending to ones skin will certainly aid you in persevering through eczema or pompholyx. Avoid locations where temperatures adopt the extremes, and cause excessive bouts of sweating, or dryness. Soapy water is often to be avoided mainly because it aggravates the disorder. Any substances that irritate the epidermis should definitely be avoided whenever possible. Common irritants include substances such as house hold cleaning solutions, and lotions which are scented; others included soaps that dry the skin and certain cleaning detergents. Individuals must be certain to stray clear of hot water. Over exposure to water of heightened temperatures may dehydrate ones skin. A suggestion would be to take warm showers in favour of hotter showers. Afterwards, never rub the skin using a coarse towel to dry, instead, use a softer towel and gently pat the skin dry. To be clear, the water isn't actually causing your sensitive skin to react, instead, it happens to be in reality the evaporation of the water that is not absorbed through the skin which causes irritation.

Moisturizing is additionally imperative to keeping eczema from increasing. Moisturizers like petroleum jelly and other fragrance free lotions can prevent one's skin from degradation attributable to drying and cracking. Due to this irritation from drying and cracking comes the desire to scratch the afflicted area. Try not to scratch the skin because it helps it to be more challenging to heal because of scratching breaking the skin down. After the skin has been damaged enough bacteria is permitted to enter, this makes infection a very real possibility in the future, which could only enhance your chances to get dyshidrotic eczema.

Overall, attending to the epidermis you have is paramount to getting over episodes of severe eczema.Without protective measures set up the illness may become unbearable and cause much undue emotional pain and distress.

Finally, if you are interested in Dyshidrotic Eczema treatment guides, please check out My Dyshidrotic Eczema at

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You Don't Have To Have Red, Inflamed And 'Angry' Skin

Can A Lack Of Fat Be Responsible For Skin Problems?

When you consider that your skin is the second largest organ in your body, you realize that if something is wrong with your health, it will generally be reflected in the quality of your skin. Skin dryness, dandruff and cracked heels, as well as skin that seems to be aging quickly, are all signs of skin that is lacking in moisture.

Furthermore, fat is the second largest compound in your body, with water being number one, so if you are deficient in the right kind of fats, your health will be compromised, as well as your skin. Therefore the right fats play an enormously important role in overall health, and they are critical if you want to have healthy, soft, smooth skin.

Skin cells and essential fats

Every single cell in your body and brain requires a flexible, malleable and permeable membrane, which is the covering that surrounds the cell. Your skin cells are no different. The efficient functioning of each and every cell is dependent on the quality of the structure of its membrane. The membrane is mainly made up of fat molecules and this is what gives the membrane its unique qualities if it is made up of the right fats.

Research from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has clearly indicated that if you are deficient in the right fats your skin will be compromised. This is simply because each cell requires the right kind of undamaged Essential Fatty Acids to work optimally. If they are not present, each cell will battle to do its job properly, and your skin will be one of the first places where that deficiency will be noticed.

Damaged fat in your diet will lead to damaged cell membranes

If your skin cell membranes are made up of saturated and damaged fat molecules, then the membrane will be inflexible, hard and impermeable.

Damaged fats pack together closely within the cell membrane and don't allow the optimal absorption of moisture, nutrients and oxygen. This doesn't only make skin cells harder and less flexible, it also means skin cells are less resistant to the wear and tear of the elements. A second factor to consider is that cells with damaged fats cannot replicate themselves as well as a healthy cell with the right fats can, which leads to a lack of fresh new cells becoming visible. This leads to skin that looks old and dry.

Furthermore, skin cells will be unable to hold onto moisture, because the natural barrier that the right fats form within the skin cells, will not be present. This means that the elements, such as the wind, sun and water, will cause dryness and dehydration when the skin is exposed to them, which then leads to dry, irritated, red skin. When cell membranes are hard and inflexible it also means that they are less permeable, leading a reduced ability of the cell to absorb nutrients and oxygen optimally.

Essential fats have the ability to keep moisture inside your skin cells

Essential Fatty Acids, as these fats are known, are natural moisturizers, providing moisture from the inside, thereby preventing the dehydration of your skin. When skin is hydrated, it has a better chance of staying resilient and flexible, which leads to skin that is soft and flexible. Furthermore, a flexible, permeable cell membrane also ensures that nutrients and oxygen are absorbed into the cell efficiently and toxins removed effectively. These fats have the ability to stop cell dehydration, by forming a barrier against moisture loss. They can do this because they work at the cellular level, and are not applied from the outside. They are improving the quality of the skin, cell by cell, from the inside.

External moisturizers versus Essential Fatty Acids

The perfect moisturizer would need to include Essential Fatty Acids, which is very difficult to do, because these special fats are extremely sensitive to heat, light and oxygen, which most moisturizers are exposed to, during production and transport. Moisturizers therefore generally contain more stable fats, which are not as easily damaged, but the molecular structure of these fats makes them unable to penetrate the cell membrane of the skin cell. The effect of this is that they don't actually provide moisture into the skin cell. They simply form a barrier around the cell, preventing moisture from leaving. This only serves as a short-term benefit, because the external moisturizer will easily be removed through exposure to the elements.

Collagen needs the right fats to be able to work properly

Your skin is largely made up of collagen, which is a very sophisticated form of protein. It is a very strong type of connective tissue. Collagen literally holds you together! You would fall apart without it, as it holds your skeleton together, attaches your muscles to bones, keeps organs in place, with skin wrapped around it all. However, collagen needs the right fats to be provided in the diet, to keep the skin moist and well lubricated. Collagen and fat work together to create soft, smooth and well lubricated skin, which is protected from the elements and ages well.

Severe skin ailments

Some people have a more severe reaction to a lack of the right fats, and they experience red, inflamed skin, that is itchy and sore. When skin becomes extremely irritated, it can lead to severe skin complaints, such as eczema, which is one of the most common skin ailments and is characterized by red, blotchy, angry skin, which cracks and weeps, and creates great discomfort and distress for the sufferer.

There are other factors that will also influence the health of your skin

In addition to the lack of EFA's, there are other factors that can also influence the well being of your skin. You must reduce your consumption of refined carbohydrates and increase your quota of green foods. If you are still faced with skin flare ups, you may have to investigate an intolerance to a specific food that you are eating regularly, such as wheat or dairy, as they have also been linked to skin flare-ups and sensitivity.

Some people notice that their skin starts to itch it specific places, often where their eczema flares up, when they eat certain foods, so you may need to keep a diary about what you are eating. In this way you will be able to pinpoint whether a specific food does cause your skin to flare up.

Remember that you are not what you eat - you are what you absorb! If you have a food intolerance or allergy, your body will be battling to absorb and utilize the nutrients that it requires for optimal health, so your skin will reflect this problem. However, the eczema are the foundation of great skin so when they are present in your diet, you have the starting point of the solution, to skin that is soft, moist and healthy. Wonderfully, your skin is not the only part of your body that will benefit from the right fats, because every single cell including the cells of your brain require them. But if you have a skin condition, all you want is soft, velvety, moist skin first, with every other benefit being a bonus. Fortunately this can be accomplished by using the right fats.

Delia McCabe is a Nutritional Neuroscience Researcher. She has a Masters degree in Psychology and has been doing research for over ten years. Her specific area of interest is Essential Fatty Acids and how they effect brain and general health. She has discovered that many chronic illnesses and mental health problems can be traced back to a lack of Essential Fats. Find out if you are deficient by doing the quick assessment at

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