A Few Ways To Prevent Eczema Breakouts Naturally

Eczema is a condition that causes skin to become itchy, dry and red. It usually appears around the legs, face and arms, though it can appear other places as well. Infants and small children are the most affected, with incidence rates declining as they age. The exact cause of eczema has not been pinpointed. It does seem to run in families but environmental factors such as perfumes, food allergies, synthetic fabrics and harsh soaps can also trigger an outbreak.

There are different types of eczema, so you should find out which one you're dealing with before deciding on treatment. This article is focused on the most common type of eczema, which is also referred to as atopic dermatitis.

Here are some ways to prevent eczema breakouts naturally:

1) Do not scratch the itch!

I know this is easier said than done but that only makes it worse. Rashes won't appear or be as severe if you don't scratch it. Wear gloves or be fully dressed so your nails don't tear up your skin

2) Drink more water

This should be a surprise to no one because water is a miracle worker that can help nearly every disease. Your skin needs to be hydrated and it may help to flush out the toxins that could be causing the breakouts.

3) Use mild soaps or USDA certified organic skin care products

Many soaps and cosmetics irritate your skin because they contain many synthetic, toxic chemicals. Many creams and ointments and soaps contain artificial fragrances and toxic byproducts that will harm your skin.

Even if certain products work at first, your body may eventually build resistance to them. Also, the toxic substances will accumulate in the body and nasty side effects could occur later on. USDA certified organic products are the only way to make sure the ingredients are safe, unless you make it yourself.

4) Wear light-weight and loose-fitting clothes

Wool has been known to irritate the skin. Stick to organic cotton because it helps your body to breathe and captures excess moisture. Wearing looser clothes can stop your body from overheating and sweating, which will trigger a breakout. Use organic cotton gloves to stop your baby from scratching him/herself.

Other suggestions for preventing eczema breakouts include avoiding heat and sweating during breakouts, avoiding stressful situations, and washing new clothes before wearing them (use organic detergent).

Some natural treatments for eczema include digesting hemp oil and primrose oil, applying a salt-water compress (using natural unrefined salt, not table salt) and taking probiotics.

N. Curtis has written dozens of health articles and is the author of the Amazingly Informative and Extremely Entertaining Free Special Health Report "It's Your Body, You Can Die If You Want To!" Check it out now at http://www.youcandieifyouwantto.com/

Original article

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