3 Best Cradle Cap Treatments

If your baby has cradle cap, check this article for the best cradle cap treatment that you can easily do and is guaranteed to be effective. But before we delve deeper into this subject matter, we must first discover the definition and causes.

Cradle cap is a skin disorder that occurs in infants or babies commonly at the age of 3 months. It is characterized by flaky, yellowish, greasy, and crusty rashes that usually affects the scalp of the baby. Other parts of the body that are affected by this condition are armpits, ears and the neck. If your baby suddenly develop this condition, do not worry, because it is not serious and is not contagious. It will eventually go away in a couple of days or weeks. But there are instances that even toddlers, adolescents, and adults develop cradle cap. This adult version of disease is known as seborrheic dermatitis.

The root cause of the disease is still unknown but experts says that one major cause is the over activity of the oil glands of the baby. The over activity of this gland is because of the fact that when a baby is born, there is a hormonal change that is happening because the body of the baby is not yet familiar to the environments outside the womb of the mother. This causes hormonal imbalances, but you do not have to worry because as soon as the infant's body fully adapts to the outside environment, cradle cap will go away on their own. Some doctors say that this condition is a type of fungal infection. This can be sometimes attributed to antibiotics that the mother took just after her delivery.

Here are the 3 best cradle cap treatments that is proven effective:

1. Shampoo is one of the common treatments. Regular baby shampoos can do the trick, but in case regular shampoos don't work, there are medicated shampoos that is specially formulated to treat the condition. Just be sure to consult your pediatrician before using any kinds of medicated shampoos.

2. Oils. This is one of the most common treatment that many mothers use for their babies. Remember that studies shows that disease does not cause any discomfort to the child, but instead, the mother is the one that is stressed out when her child develops cradle cap. Using baby oils, olive oils, and lotions are good treatments for this disease no matter what age your baby is

3. Home remedies. Other mother uses chamomile, tea, and burdock root to treat. Although there is no scientific research to back this treatments, many mothers are saying that these are effective.

So there you have it, if your baby has cradle cap, you can try these treatments that is proven effective by many people and experts alike. Just be sure that if you have any doubts in trying these treatments, you can always consult a pediatrician to assess the condition of your baby. You can try one treatment that is listed here and if it does not work, you can try other treatments listed here.

Top Cradle Cap Treatment For Your Children. Also Learn The Secrets where to get The Best Cradle Cap Treatment and How?

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