What to Do With Eczema

If you are an eczema sufferer you will have probably turned to the internet or your doctor to find out what to do with your eczema. There are a few different options to choose from but none of them will be a quick fix solution. In order to manage your eczema issues you may have to make important lifestyle changes. As difficult as they may be this could be the only way that you will be able to stay eczema free and have a life without eczema flare ups.

It all depends on what triggers your eczema as to how big the life style change you will have to make.

One of the common causes of eczema is the food we eat. Many people will have an outbreak after eating eggs, milk, seafood and peanut butter. Other foods can cause outbreaks as well, try keeping a list of things you eat and match it to your outbreaks. Although you are still at risk from atopic dermatitis you can reduce the number of out breaks by cutting out the food that effects you. Once you think you have found the food item that triggers your eczema try to cut it from your diet completely.

This is where the change in life style comes in. Eliminating food from your diet sounds easy to do doesn't it? If it is something like seafood or peanut butter that you don't eat regular it will be an easy thing to do. The problem arises when it is something like milk or eggs that you eat on a regular basis. If this is the case with you take it slow. If milk is the culprit don't just cut it out completely, slowly replace it with alternatives.

As well as food, exposure to airborne allergens can cause eczema flare ups. Things like dust and pet dander have been known to trigger eczema. This can cause life style issues if a member of your family has a pet. You won't want to stop seeing them completely, but you will have to discuss your issues with them and possibly arrange to meet away from their home. Thus avoiding contact with their pet completely.

Some people have found success in switching to an all natural regime. They find that flare ups are the result of contact with certain chemicals. Irritants can be found in many scented laundry detergents and beauty products. Fortunately this change is one of the easiest to make. Swapping to organic detergents, beauty products, foods and just about anything else these days is an easy thing to do.

For more information on What to do With Eczema visit my website at http://www.cure-it.info/

Martin T Lane

Original article

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